TFL Painting Challenge

Half way through the month, and a good time to have a very quick Challenge update.

Let’s start with Mr Helliwell, who has been painting and re-basing at his usual rapid pace. There’s a whole circumference of walls (three metres worth) and plenty of Napoleonic figures too.

Next up is Steve Burt with some Agincourt figures: knights and commanders…

Stumpy has been busy working, but still found a bit of time for some re-basing. Egyptians from the Sudan:

And last, but by no means least, we have John Emmett with some nice Silver Bayonet kit. I’m liking the “clue markers”!

Much more to see in the individual galleries, accessed through the NavBar, above.

Keep ‘em coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: First March Update

A nice early March update for you all: gives me the chance to do another one in a couple of weeks.

Today we’ll start with Carole, who has been painting some Bloody Miniatures ECW figures:

Next up is Sapper, who has submitted a mix of figures and scales. Here are his 28mm Vikings and 15mm Byzantines:

Talking of Vikings, here’s some more…this time from Mervyn:

Here’s Mr Burt with some more English archers. These were added late, as Steve has an uncanny knack of sending his entries in just as I press “Post” on an update!

And last but by no measn least, Mr Helliwell has been his usual busy self. Today’s entry included a load of 3D buildings from BattleHonours and the start of an immense re-basing project:

That’s all for now, more on the way. Keep those entries coming in!

Painting Challenge: Early February Update

Time for our first update in February, and a bumper crop it is too.

First up is Carole, with a selection of 28mm fantasy pieces:

Then we have Mr Burt first two entries of the year. A new project: Agincourt.

Mr Cooper has also sent in his first batch of minis for 2025: his usual mixture of fantasy figures, some of which are shown below.

Now I know you’re all thinking that Mr Helliwell hasn’t had time to paint any more figures…but he has! Another big batch of medievals, Napoleonics and more:

Sapper joins Messrs Cooper and Burt on the “first entry of the year podium”: Napoleonics and Vikings.

And finally here are some more Vikings, this time ;painted by Mervyn. Never dispose of those extra sprues: you’re bound to need them one day!

That’s all for now, but keep them coming!

PS new entrants to the Challenge still very welcome…

TFL Painting Challenge: Second January Update

And some returning entrants as well.

First up today we have Carole, who has participated in every single year of the Challenge so far, one of only seven people to do so. Her submission consists of pikemen, musketeers and a very creepy graveyard!

John Emmett also sends in his first entries of the year. It’s John’s seventh year of the Challenge, and his submission includes a mixture of WW2 Germans and various Napoleonic character pieces including Sergeant Hakeswill: boo, hiss!

The prolific Mr Helliwell sends in his second submission for the year: mostly Napoleonics this time. Andrew has only missed one year of the Challenge so far, and recorded 5,000 points in both the last two years: an impressive achievement. 6,000 this year perhaps?

Finally this update, we have Mervyn Douglas, one of the other people to have never missed a Challenge. His submission is some more figures for his American War of Independence collection.

So that’s it for this update: let’s get those brushes working as, unfortunately, the lead mountain won’t paint itself, no matter how hard we pray it might!

First Painting Challenge Update for 2025

And the Challenge is back…and already firing on all cylinders!

In order of appearance in the Challenge inbox we have:

Mr Douglas kicks off his year with a couple of very nice 28mm WW2 building intended for use as objectives in 02 Hundred Hours:

Pipped at the post for a first delivery, but making up for it in mass alone is Mr Helliwell, with his first (and as per usual large) entry for the year. A mix of 15mm Napoleonics, terrain and 28mm Medievals, and all very nice!

Next up is Stumpy, with a couple of very lovely looking Matilda II: just about the only decent British early war tank!

So a great batch of entries in to start off this year’s proceedings. Let’s keep sending them in!

TFL Painting Challenge: Last Entries and the 2024 Round-Up

A few of you wisely used your extra spare time over the holiday season to do some painting.

First up, as always, we have Mr Helliwell, with a big hill and a variety of medievals, some of which are shown here:

Next we have Mr Burt, who has repurposed a very old Superquick card church from the 1970s found in a battered state at the bottom of a storage box as a bombed or ruined model.

And finally we have Sapper, another regular, with three different entries all at different scales.

Finally we have Mr Scott, who makes his first and last contribution for the year with some 15mm Confederate infantry:

And here’s another last minute entry: Nick Cooper with his final submission of 2024:


So those are the last entries for this year, let’s have a look at how we all did overall:

To start with the bad news, three people who participated last year dropped out this year, with one of the three being the sadly departed Mr Hodge, who’s presence will be sorely missed.

We did, however, have two new starters: Messrs Darkin and Davenport (well, he’s a returnee after a four year absence), both of whom managed very respectable scores of 696 and 776 respectively, giving them a solid target for next year.

The roll of honour (those who scored more than last year) comprised Messrs Bury, Cooper, Douglas, Emmett, Helliwell, Kay and Sapper, and Carole…most of whom not only surpassed but actually smashed their score from last year. Huge plaudits to Mr Helliwell and Sapper, who achieved scores of 5,085 and 4,705 respectively.

The hall of shame (those who scored less than last year) included Yours Truly. Mr Luther (let off due to illness), and Messrs Plowman, Scott, Slade and Stumpy. Let’s make sure 2025 reverses the situation!

Three participants - Nick Cooper, Andrew Helliwell and Sapper - recorded a personal best, which means that as we go into the 2025 Challenge, the historical scoreboard looks as below:

We’ll be going again in 2025, so let’s start those entries coming in as soon as possible.

Happy New Year everyone!

TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-December Update

As we reach the climax of this year’s Challenge, the entries are coming in thick and fast.

First up is the ever-present Mr Helliwell, with a mixture of Napoelonics, medievals and terrain. Here some of the Napoleonics:

Mr Luther, after a quiet start to the year, has also been busy. A few 6mm tanks and some 15mm infantry for the Second Seminole War.

Mervyn has been buckling his swash, using one of those lovely Blue Moon character sets; and prepping some figures for the American War of Independence too.

Sapper has been busy painting Royalists, epic scale Royalists to be exact, and quite a few of the little blighters:

And last, but by no means least, Carole has been painting more Victrix Romans:

Plenty of time to get your last entries for December and therefore the year in. Keep them coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: Second November Update

Loads of entries coming in for the Painting Challenge now that we are almost into its final month for 2024.

As always, do browse the individual galleries accessible from the NavBar, above, but here’s a selection from this batch of submissions.

First up is Chris Kay, with a mixture of cowpokes and Star Wars. Here are the cowpokes:

Next up is Nick Cooper, with his usual assortment of fantasy figures:

Also supplying his usual assortment of troops is Mr Helliwell. How does he find the time? Here are some Napoleonics and Medievals:

Sapper has also been busy: Normans, Romans and more Medievals:

Mervyn has gone big this time around: a couple of stone age cottages and Conan’s mate Thog!

And last, but by no means least, here’s Steve Burt with the old Italeri battlefield accessories set finally painted up. Telegraph pole, emplacement, signs, ruin, small fuel dump, all 1:72 scale

We also had an entry from Carole, but no pictures yet, so I’ll add them into the post once I get them.

Plenty of time yet, so keep those entries coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: First November Update

Plenty of entries to log as we move into November and the penultimate month of this year’s challenge.

First up we have Stumpy with some more basing completed: Huns, Cossack-types and some big monsters!

Mr Helliwell has been as prolific as usual: a mix of 15mm and 28mm figures, including some unusual figures from Athena:

Mark Luther has been busy building some 6mm terrain pieces:

Sapper is still painting 28mm Napoleonics: here are two Reinbund Infantry units.

Carole is painting Roman Auxilia:

Finally, last but by no means least, Mervyn has been painting epic Pike and Shotte figures:

That’s all for this update, but there’s still plenty of time to get your entries in before the New Year deadline. Keep ‘ em coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: Late October Update

There’s only a couple of months left before the end of the year, so what better time to get those Painting Challenge entries in.

First up this update, we have Carole, who has painted an outlaw band plus a couple of extras:

Next we have more “little planes” from Mr Luther: some real behemoths in this submission:

Nick Cooper has also been busy with a collection of figures fantasy. This is only some of them, so make sure you check out the rest in his full gallery.

Mt Helliwell sends in his usual large entry. Again, far more to see in his full gallery. Where does he find the time?

And last but by no means least is Sapper, with a mix of scales from 10mm through to 28mm:

There’s still plenty of time to get your entries in, so keep them coming!

Painting Challenge: First October Update

Here’s a look at our first entries for October for this year’s Painting Challenge.

First up is Mr Helliwell’s monthly entry: mostly Napoleonics this time. Take a look in his gallery (accessed via the Nav bar, above) to see everything he’s sent in, but here are the four 24-figure 15mm British battalions, using AB Figures:

Next up we have Steve Burt with a couple of entries, all WW2 figures from Atlantic. Partisans and a lone German!

Chris Kay sends in some warrior women: Viking shield maidens and surely the one on the left in the last photo is the sci-fi equivalent…

Now we havea couple of mass army shots. On the left is Sapper with vast amounts of French Napoleonics; on the right is Mervyn with the beginnings of an ECW force (which is apparently my fault!):

That’s it for this update: keep sending them in!

Painting Challenge: Mid-September Update

Some great entries this time around, headed by our two top contributors Matt and Andrew.

First up, here’s Matt’s latest offering: some fantastic terrain pieces nearly all built for a pirate game, me Hearties!

And here’s some of Andrew’s contributions: as always, a mixed bag:

Let’s look at the other entries received so far this month. Here are entries from Steve, Mervyn, Stumpy and Carole:

Some lovely work there…and be sure to check out their main galleries, accessible through the NavBar, above.

TFL Painting Challenge: Final August Update

Peopl seemed to send their entries in just after I’d done the mid-August update, so thatseems to me like a good excuse to a small, but perfectly formed, final August update to the Painting Challange.

First up, we have Chris Kay, who sends us a mix of Star Wars Legion and WW2 BEF figures for us to admire:

Next we have the ever-productive Mr Helliwell, who has entered a mix of figures and some very nice home-made terrain:

Steve Burt has built a factory:

Last but by no means least, Stumpy has sent in a mix of painting and re-basing:

And so we’re into September: the last four months of the Challenge year!

TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-August Update

Let’s do a quick Painting Challenge update before I head off into the tunnel that is six To The Strongest after action reports from Britcon.

First up is John Emmett, with ten 28mm buildings that he put together for an Arnhem project:

Next we have some French from Sapper: Normans in 15mm and Napoleonics in 28mm:

Steve Burt has sent in a couple of models to make the Nazis tremble:

And last, but my absolutely no means least (in fact, quite the opposite), we have Andrew Helliwell with a collection of terrain pieces and a few figures:

More to see in the individual galleries.

Keep them coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: First August Update

The last couple of weeks have seen plenty of entries into the Painting Challenge.

First up is Sapper, with some rather nice French Napoleonics:

Next up is Mr Cooper, with a huge “catch-up” entry from the last couple of months. Here’s a selection of what he’s sent in:

Mark Luther has sent in some more 6mm aeroplanes. Here’s a niche offering: former FAA Hampdens flown in as convoy escorts that were left for the Soviets. I remember these from the RAF books my father had from before WW2!

Jonathan Davenport has been painting up the 64th (2nd Staffordshire) Regiment, along with a few outriders and plenty of guns:

Good to see that other people’s painting tabels look like mine!

Next is another big entry from Andrew Helliwell: a combination of figures and terrain. Plenty more to see in Andrew’s gallery, accessible from the NavBar at the top of the page.

Finally, here’s Mr Douglas and Mr Burt’s entries: Mervyn with some native North Americans, and Steve with some Italieri tank obstacles.

Do make sure you get to the individual galleries as well: lots of inspiration to feed off!

TFL Painting Challenge: Second July Update

It’s been raining all day today…so a good excuse to spend a bit of time updating this year’s Painting Challenge.

Today we have entries from:

Mr Slade with a large entry of Romans and Pirates

Andrew Helliwell with a few units of WOTR types and plenty of terrain (and in multiple scales)

Then, to round up, we have entries from Mr Luther (huge numbers of little ‘planes), Mr Burt (some 20mm WW2 kit) and Mervyn (Morlocks!):

Make sure you check out everyone’s gallery, as there’s a lot more of their work in them.

Apparently it’s going to be raining all weekend, so take my advice and pick up those brushes and start painting!

TFL Painting Update: First July update

Here’s a handful of entries to the Painting Challenge to set you up for July…

First up, we have Mr Slade, with some more terrain and the start of his next 28mm army:

Then we have our other most prolific painter, Mr Helliwell, with more medieval and WOTR types:

Chris Kay has a mix of old and new: an M54 truck and some Roman cavalry:

Stumpy adds to his ACW collection, with a Union artillery battery in 28mm:

and last but certainly not least, Steve Burt has been building terrain:

Some lovely work there, and plenty of time to get your entries in. There’ll be another July update in a couple of weeks, so pick up thsoe brushes and get to work!

TFL Painting Challenge: Second June Update

I’m happy to say that there are already enough entries in to justify a second Painting Challenge update in June…so let’s have one!

First up is, I think, probably our largest single entry ever: Sapper has been, as he puts it, beavering away on a 28mm Napoleonic Russian army, earning himself a massive 1,300 points in one photograph:

An impressive achievement.

Next up is Mr Davenport, with a cracking mixture of ECW, WW2 and AWI figures: very nice indeed:

Carole has also been busy: a selection of 28mm character figures mostly from the excellent Bad Squiddo plus a handful of 15mm WW2 tanks:

Meanwhile, Mervyn has been painting dinosaurs:

It wouldn’t be a Painting Challenge update without something from Mr Helliwell…and as usual he’s actually sent in quite a lot of somethings for us to enjoy. This time it’s a mixture of Reconquista figures and terrain, just some of which are shown below:

And, finally, Steve Burt has the rest of the 02 Hundred Hours figures finished:

Plenty of inspiring work there, so pick up your brushes and let’s see if we can justofy a third June entry!

TFL Painting Challenge: First June Update

It’s been a bit quiet recently on the Painting Challenge front: several of our regulars have commented that real life and/or wargaming events have got in the way of their painting. That said, still a good number of entries for our first June update

First up we have Mr Emmett with some lovely kit for an Arnhem game he’s running. I particularly like the Daimler Armoured Car.

Andrew Helliwell delivers next. He claims to have painted less than usual for this entry, but that still seems like quite a lot to me! Highlight is the medieval Italian carroccio with sacred banner…

Next up is Mr Burt, with the rest of his Java Seas ships and some late WW2 infantry:

Sapper sends in some rather nice 15mm Arabs with some 28mm WOTR in support!

And then to finish we have Matt Slade with some more 15mm Classicial Indians and Mervyn with huge numbers of 15mm ACW infantry:

So, as I said, a fairly quiet entry for the Challenge so far in June.

Do make sure you visit the individual galleries, accessed through the NavBar, above: some terrific work on display…and those of you who have entered this year: pick up those brushes and get moving!

TFL Painting Challenge: Early May Update

The Challenge continues, and a vertiable cornucopia of entries in this time around…so let’s waste no more time and jump right in.

First up is the usual huge entry from Nick Cooper: all fantasy 28mm figures apart from three 54mm plastic Saracens that he claims to have painted “for a friend”…

Continuing the fantasy theme here we have a couple of large dragons from Ralph Plowman. These I have classified as 28mm aircraft: they have wings, don’t they!

Next up is the prolific Mr Helliwell, with a combination of 15mm Napoleonics and 28mm medievals:

After a long period of producing terrain, Carole has switched back to painting figures. Here we see some Back of Beyond infantry and archeologists, with a few Mexican Intervention types thrown in:

Stumpy has been painting and re-basing at speed this month. Here are some lovely Sarmation cataphracts along with some spear- and bow-armed infantry and a few Egyptian policemen to boot!

Finally here are entries from Mr Uther and Mervyn. Mark’s are the seaplanes, whilst Mervyn has been building Koreans houses and laying tracks:

Keep those entries coming in!