TTS AAR: To The Smallest Game 2: Timurids vs Sassanid Persians

My second game at this year’s inaugral To The Smallest 15mm event for To The Strongest was against Si’s Sassanid Persians.

The terrain was a representation of the battle of Cannae, including a stream splitting off part of the left hand side of the battlefield, with it being compulsory that at least one of your camps be placed on the other side of the stream i.e. on the smaller part of the battlefield.

With both sides being largely mounted, each side headed towards the other at a rate of knots: lancers in the middle, light cavalry out on the wings. On what I will call ‘the strip’, the Timurids had their Afghan javelinmen keeping some Sassanid light cavalry at bay.

Unfortunately, I miscalculated (or Si perfectly calculated!) the schwerpunkt moment, with the result that rather than initiating all the charges to contact, it was my Timurids who were on the receiving end of every charge, giving the Sassanids that key first hit advantage.

The results were not pretty! Although the Sassanids tok damage, it was the Timurid heavy cavalry that suffered the most, with the battlefield after the initial clash looking surprisingly empty of still-fighting units of either side!

At this point I was forced to commit my reserves: the kharash driven slaves heading into action in an attempt to shore up my left flank.

With my line steadied, things began to improve for the Timurids.

I even had some success in the centre, where a unit of lancers broke through the enemy line and pursued some Sassanid heavy horse towards the Persian camp.

But in the end the casualties that I had taken at the initial clash came back to haunt me. Although I had pulled things back until we were even on casualties, it was all over when a unit of Sassanid light cavalry broke through my diminished line and took my camp and therefore my last three medals.

So a 10-13 defeat for the Timurids, which made two games played and two losses.

Surely things could only get better in game three…

IABSM AAR: All American #03: La Fiere II

Great write up of a game of I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum from the keyboards of Dan Albrecht and Shane Waley.

Dan used a modified version of the third scenario from the All American scenario pack, along with a modified version of IABSM using Derek Hodge’s command card activation system.

Click on the pic below to see all:

IABSM AAR: All American #10: Neuville au Plain

Another great after action report picked up from the IABSM Facebook page.

This time, Desmondo Darkin leads his Luftlande Grenadiers into action against the 82nd Parachute Infantry Regiment in a scenario taken from the All American scenario pack.

Click on the picture below to see all:

IABSM AAR: Pouppeville

Superb After Action Report from Carojon featuring a game  based on one of the scenarios in the All American scenario pack.

The tiny village of Pouppeville covered the end of one of the four designated exits from Utah beach on D-Day, so members of the US 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions were dropped behind Utah beach to help in the clearing and securing of the area prior to the landing of the seaborne troops.

See how they do by clicking on the picture, below:

AAR: More from All American

Originally posted 9th October 2009

Four new AAR's added, all from the All American 82nd Airborne scenario pack. Inspired by Martin 981463's fantastic 20mm game, I went back and loaded up the three playtest battle reports from the Durham boys. Click on the links to read the reports.

Playtest 1

Playtest 2

Playtest 3

I've also added links to all Kev (Fat Wally)'s battle reports to make your browsing even easier.

AAR: All American #10

Originally posted 5th August 2009

John Wimbush provides a battle report covering action from Scenario 10 of the All American supplement: Dog Company of the 2nd/505th PIR holds the northern flank of the landing zone.

Read the AAR here.

This brings the number of AARs on the site up to fifty: crackingly good reads with lots of inspiring photographs!