CDS AAR: Another River Assault Scenario
/Here’s another pictorial AAR from Kevin G taken from the Charlie Don’t Surf Facebook Group.
Some superb looking action from another river assault game. I’d love to get my figures onto this terrain!
CDS AAR: The Battle for Hue
/Here’s a Charlie Don’t Surf AAR from May that I missed on the CDS Facebook Group: Kevin G running two Battle for Hue games at Kublecon:
CDS AAR: River Assault Scenario
/Here are some fantastic pictures from Kevin G. taken from the Charlie Don’t Surf Facebook group featuring an assault from a brown river force in Vietnam:
CDS Arab-Israeli AAR: Chariots of Fire
/Steve Blease and fellow Lardy Phil got together to push some 6mm tanks around the table using the Arab-Israeli 6DW variation of Charlie Don't Surf.
Steve devised a basic scenario loosely based around the Battle of Dothan Valley on the West Bank at the start of the June/Six Day War of 1967. Click on the picture below to see all..
CDS AAR: Valley of Tears at Winter Wonderlard 2023
/Yesterday saw the annual Winter Wonderlard Lardie Day in Bristol.
I couldn’t be there myself (real world interfering with gaming again!) but here’s the first of the AAR using TFL company-sized rules from the day, with Steve Blease and his “Valley of Tears” Golan Heights scenario using Charlie Don’t Surf .
There were two sessions: see pictures from both, and others taken on the day, by clicking on the picture, below:
CDS AAR: Valley of Tears
/We're not in Vietnam anymore...
Steve Blease ran through his 6mm Yom Kippur 'Valley of Tears' CDS variant game which he'll be running at the Winter Wonder Lard III Lardy Day in Bristol later this month. Here are a few shots of the action:
CDS AAR: A Writtle Bit of Lard
/Also on show at the Lardy Games Day A Writtle Bit of Lard was a great looking game of Charlie Don’t Surf put on by Nick Bellamy.
Here are some pics, also from Ian Roberts, but this time from the CDS Facebook Group:
And as Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Performance, here are some shots of the playtest that Nick ran a few weeks before:
/Yesterday, Milton Hundred Wargames Club demoed a game of Charlie Don’t Surf at SELWG.
They had a load of interest, plenty of people stopping and asking after the rules…who later went over to the TFL stand! A big shout out to Full Metal Miniatures for printing the sampans as a test. They’ll be on his web store soon!
Here are some pictures of the game, posted onto the CDS Facebook Group by Steve Thomas.
CDS AAR: The Battle of Snoopy's Nose
/Steve Thomas from the Milton Hundred Wargames Club took a game of Charlie Don’t Surf to the Rapture Festival last weekend. The scenario was inspired by the Battle of Snoopy’s nose.
Click on the picture, below, to see some pics of the game:
CDS AAR: Surf's Up #05: Fix and Destroy
/Nick Bellamy and friends recently played scenario #05 Fix & Destroy from the CDS Surf’s Up scenario pack.
Click on the picture below to see some great pictures from the game, all taken from the CDS Facebook Group.
CDS Arab-Israeli: Israeli AA Half-Tracks
/A break from painting Hoplites to carve into the Arab-Israeli section of my lead mountain.
Those who pay attention will remember that I bought a whole load of kit in anticipation of playing a few games based on the 1973 Yom Kippur War rather than the 1967 Six Day War. The lists have been produced (available free in the CDS section of this website…although keep your eyes peeled as I’m about to update them with some extra info received from fellow Lardy Richard Naylor) and all that was needed was some of the new equipment available in 1973.
For the Israelis, this starts with a couple of units almost guaranteed never to get onto the table!
The first is a platoon of M3 TCM-20 Anti-Aircraft half-tracks:
These are very nice models: really easy to put together and paint. I sprayed them with GW Death Forest Green, washed in GW Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted and painted the crews and equipment. Only half of them have the aerial recognition “T” on the bonnet: I ran out of decals and will have to do the other two at a later date.
Okay, so maybe I’m being a bit harsh about the AA half-tracks never getting onto the table…but I’m almost certain that this next lot are fated to spend their lives “in the box”: jeeps with TOW launchers.
As their minimum range in CDS terms is about 6½’, they will either have to lurk right at the back of the table (I can manage 8’ at a push) or be some kind of table decoration. Perhaps I’ll play a Space Invaders scenario i.e. a mass of Egyptian tanks charging one or two Israeli TOW-mounting jeeps. Might be fun.
Arab Israeli AAR: Rumi El Bakhara
/I hadn’t gamed with old friend Neil for at least 18 months, so it was a pleasure to get a date into the diary and push some lead around the table again.
We decided to have a battle set in the 1967 Six Day War between an Israeli and an Egyptian (UAR) force. The game would be a fictional encounter battle using the TooFatLardies Charlie Don’t Surf Vietnam rules adapted for the theatre and available elsewhere on this site.
Click on the picture below to see all:
AAR: Charlie Don't Surf! at Clotted Lard 2018
/This Saturday just gone saw the inaugural Clotted Lard games day at the Devon Wargames Group. At what will hopefully be an annual event, large numbers of fellow Lardies gathered for a fun-packed day of gaming.
You can read the after action report of the games day itself by clicking here.
One of the games on show was a superb 10mm game of Charlie Don't Surf! put on by DaveJ. Click on the picture below to see a quick AAR from Carojon, accompanied by more photos of what looks like a most impressive game: