5th April 2016 (124 points)
29 foot and 1 mounted 28mm ACW figures

21st April 2016 (12 points)
Two Timecast 6mm resin buildings.

21st April 2016 (15 points)
Two stands of 6mm Baccus French Napoleonic Chasseurs (15 6mm mounted figures)

28th April 2016 (11 points)
(and next pic)
Two more stands of 6mm Baccus Napoleonic French Chasseurs a Cheval, representing the 4/6 and 7/9 regiments. 21 6mm horse figures in total.

13th May 2016 (36 points)
A 28mm Sarissa Dark Ages MDF house with home-made thatch.

13th May 2016 (16 points)
Two Wargames Foundry mounted Saxons painted as LOTR Riders of Rohan

5th June 2016 (20 points)
Here is a project I finished in April, 5 28mm Artizan figures from their Thrilling Tales series, including three heroes of Foyle’s War, a Brigadier and a French Resistance heroine.

25th September 2016 (52 points)
9 X 28mm foot and 2 X 28mm Mounted. All the figures are Games Workshop LOTR series, the foot are Isengard Uruk Hai and the mounted are Saruman’s Warg riders.
More info here: http://madpadrewargames.blogspot.ca/2016/05/meanwhile-in-isengard.html

6th November 2016 (112 points)
Meanwhile in Canada...

6th November 2016 (24 points)
Five dangerous Faery warriors from Wargames Foundry. They were OOP for a while but now reintroduced to their Warmongers line.

30th December 2016 (52 points)
Thirteen 28mm foot figures, all GW Rohirrim from their LOTR range

30th December 2016 (52 points)
Thirteen 28mm foot figures: 12 being Vendel barbarians used as Dunlendings for my LOTR project and 1 GW figure, Saruman the White)

30th December 2016 (20 points)
Five 28mm foot figures from Games Workshop, elven archers from their LOTR range

30th December 2016 (64 points)
Seven 28mm foot figures from Wargames Foundry (Saxon civilians pressed into service as Rohirrim villagers) and a home-made 28mm Rohan watchtower

30th December 2016 (48 points)
Four 28mm foot figures (human and animal - a mix of Bombshell and Wargames Foundry figs) and one large 28mm model (28mm tree sprite from Bombshell minis)

30th December 2016 (24 points)
One 20mm building, an Italieri country house

30th December 2016 (24 points)
Three 28mm mounted figs, all Games Workshop War Riders from the LOTR range

30th December 2016 (8 points)
Two 28mm foot figures, two Weird War Two mad scientists (one Artizan and one Pulp Figures mini)

30th December 2016 (28 points)
Two 28mm mounted and three 28mm foot figures, all GW Rohirrim from their LOTR range