9th January 2021 (54 points)
Three Warlord Celtic 28mm chariots

24th January 2021 (44 points)
11 x 28mm Warlord WW2 German Grenadiers

21st January 2021 (48 points)
12 x 28mm German Grenadiers

30th January 2021 (52 points)
13 x 28mm Warlord German Grenadiers

9th February 2021 (24 points)
Star Wars Imperial Assault: 4 x 28mm Deathtroopers; 2 x 28mm Wookiee’s

9th February 2021 (36 points)
1 x 28mm AT-DP from Imperial Assault

9th February 2021 (16 points)
4 x 28mm Sentry Droids from Imperial Assault

21st February 2021 (24 points)
6 x 28mm Airborne troops

2nd March 2021 (36 points)
9 x 28mm warlord Paratroopers

12th March 2021 (104 points)
(and next two pics)
The remainder of my Warlord paras: 26 x 28mm Paras, all painted with Contrast Paints

24th March 2021 (28 points)
7 US airborne (mostly support - bazooka, mortar and 30 cal teams, plus one rifleman)

24th March 2021 (24 points)
4 German tank crew on foot and 1 UK para carrying a wounded comrade (think this was a Warlord freebie?)

24th March 2021 (18 points)
28mm Sherman tank

16th April 2021 (36 points)
28mm 4Ground canvas Blacksmith

16th April 2021 (36 points)
A range of items from a 28mm roman market / temple braziers set. This is all from Irongate Scenery - excellent stuff!.

8th May 2021 (48 points)
12 x 28mm skeletons
I’ve always wanted to build and paint a few of these having been inspired by the stop motion in Jason and the Argonauts years ago. No idea what I’ll use them for, but fun to build something different! Maybe this is what zombies look like at the very end??

27th October 2021 (18 points)
28mm Schwimmwagen

14th November 2021 (40 points)
10 x 28mm cowboys. These are the new Great Escape Games cowboy set in plastic.

27th November 2021 (18 points)
A Semovente - 28mm Rubicon kit

27th November 2021 (18 points)
A Carro Armato: 28mm Rubicon kit