25th February (24 points)
Six Greek characters in 28mm for 7th Voyage by Crooked Dice Games

25th February (36 points)
Nine figures, 95th Rifles, 28mm

1st March (8 points)
Two 28mm ghouls

1st March (16 points)
Four 28mm scarecrows

18th March (30 points)
Six GZG 15mm power armour troopers with heavy weapons. I've also made and painted the 2 15mm buildings in the picture.
18th March (72 points)
3m (10`) of 28mm fencing, made and painted this year. I reckon this should be equivalent to a couple of buildings.

24th April (12 points)
Twelve 15mm mercenary peltasts for my ancient Greek Hoplomachia army.

29th April (48 points)
A dozen Victrix 28mm 1815 British.
7th May (88 points)
Just finished the Orc Warriors for my 25mm fantasy Dux Britanniarum game. Three units of warriors and four skirmishers. Twenty-two figures total.
7th May (20 points)
The big men for my Orc Dux Brit army. Lord, two nobles and choice of two champions. The three Orcs are 28mm and the two trolls are about 40mm.
13th May (14 points)
Fourteen assorted GZG 15mm space marines
24th May (42 points)
This week I have been mostly finishing off a rusty old car and three scratch built shanties, all in 15mm.
24th May (6 points)
Six more GZG 15mm sci-fi troopers
14th June (80 points)
Twenty plastic 28mm Dark Age warriors by Gripping Beast on the lookout for Grendel!
29th June (16 points)
Four 28mm Big Men for my 1815 Dutch Militia

5th July (25 points)
More from GZG this week: one APC, six grav bikes and an engineering section of seven humans and droids. All in 15mm.

31st December (48 points)
(and following)
Here are 6 28mm Fireforge mounted sergeants

31st December (48 points)
12 Fireforge foot sergeants