11th February 2017 (540 points)
These planes were originally meant to be for playing Coastal Forces kinds of games with 1/600 ships, but then I thought, "Why not expand the forces and play Bag the Hun in 1/600?" So here we are, roughly 90 models later!
11th February 2017 (104 points)
24 man Caesarian unit. The two single Roman figs will be used for individual characters, so a total of twenty-six 25mm Romans.
11th March 2017 (204 points)
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48 Warlord Cesarian 28mm figs plus 3 separate hero/command figs to go with them
11th March 2017 (108 points)
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18 Tumbling Dice P-47s from the 56th FG, each squadron has a different tail color
11th March 2017 (144 points)
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8 B-25s (the picture is missing one due to magnet separation), 8 A-20s, and 8 P-39s all Pico.
I find Pico to be a bit cleaner and sharper than Tumbling Dice, but the metal can not be cut! It eats up box cutter blades like there's no tomorrow. Luckily, the metal does grudgingly yield to filing.
As I contemplate this 1/600 project I just have to shake my head. Like many gamers I eased into this project sort of by accident. First it was a few for convoy actions, then it was a "small theater" the Med with Italians/Germans vs Brits/Yanks. Then there was an eBay sale for late war German/Yank fighters (which is where the Yank fighters came from) and things just started progressing from there. I do like 1/600 scale and am looking forward to some air games with them in the near future.
11th March 2017 (120 points)
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12 P-51s and 8 P-38s (one Lightning is missing due to a magnet separation). All Tumbling Dice.
15th June 2017 (72 points)
12 B17Gs marked up in the squadron my father in law flew with
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight assorted Ju-88s
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight Me 110/410 fighters
15th June 2017 (36 points)
Six Tumbling Dice Focke Wulf FW190D
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Six Tumbling DiceFocke Wulf 190
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Six Tumbling DiceMe109G
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight Pico P40s painted as British
15th June 2017 (36 points)
Six Pico Gloucester Gladiators
15th June 2017 (30 points)
Five Peashooters. These little models came in an eBay deal and are plastic or resin, maker unknown. Nice little models though.
15th June 2017 (xx points)
Eight I-153 from Pico
15th June 2017 (54 points)
Nine Gloucester Gladiators from Pico
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight I-16
15th June 2017 (24 points)
Four Tupelov SB-2
15th June 2017 (24 points)
Four Nell bombers from Pico
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight Claudes from Pico
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight Nates from Pico
15th June 2017 (48 points)
Eight Zeros from Pico
15th June 2017 (30 points)
Five Philippino Peashooters from Oico
15th July 2017 (49 points)
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15mm Aussies for Charlie Don't Surf or Chain of Command: 37 little fellas and 2 Centurions.
15th July 2017 (24 points)
Some 15mm sci-if helicopters. These are cheap snap together kits, but for $10 total price for these two I think it was a bargain. They are very nice models and will make great additions to my Finns in Space army.
15th July 2017 (96 points)
Twenty-four 28mm Roman Legionaries.
19th October 2017 (60 points)
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A lovely trip to Norway in early September. While in Bergen I read about the naval battle between the Dutch and Norse-Danish forces on one side and the English Navy on the other side. Quite an interesting battle and one that caused the Astoria Shipyards to swing into high gear! I’ve included photos of the first 5 ships that have been completely finished. They are Warartisans lovely 1/600 scale paper ships of the Anglo/Dutch wars and were offered free as a trial (free is very good). These particular ships are based on a 54 gun Dutch ship. So I printed up these 5 and tried out some mass construction techniques. The techniques seemed to work, I bought the rest of his Anglo/Dutch ships and I’ve now got 24 other ships ranging from 28 gun frigates to 100 gun line of battle ships waiting to be rigged and based. It’s been a fun project, though I have to admit I wonder whether I’ll be able to talk anyone into actually playing a game with them! They are sturdier than I thought since the good ship Antelope was dropped roughly a foot and only suffered mild dislocations of the mainsail and some loosened rigging which was quickly set right.
19th October 2017 (48 points)
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Today’s photos are 1/600 scale 44 gun models, 3 Dutch and 1 English. They’re the same model, but between friends it works out, correct? I wish I knew more about 17th century conventions on flying flags, I am just guessing on whether I should be flying different flags. The English one with the harp is a real puzzler. Can’t figure out whether is belonged to a certain admiral, port or fleet. Those flags do look nice though.
29th October 2017 (48 points)
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More 1/600 Anglo/Dutch ships from War Artisan (I have been misspelling the company name in the last several submissions). All four are 64 gun models, two are Dutch flagged and the other two are English. Total of 13 ships completely finished so far, only 16 more to go!
17th November 2017 (72 points)
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More ships: six models are based on War Artisan’s 70 gun model. There are three each for the Dutch and the English.
17th November 2017 (24 points)
These two ships are 3-deckers based on the Royal Sovereign model. Both are English and, if I’ve got my flagging conventions right, they are the respective flags of their squadrons.
17th November 2017 (96 points)
28mm Roman auxilia from Black Tree
17th November 2017 (96 points)
28mm Romans: Praetorians from Warlord
17th November 2017 (96 points)
28mm Romans: cavalry from Wargames Foundry
29th December 2017 (200 points)
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I actually haven’t been doing a lot of new painting, but have been doing quite a bit of rebasing. All the figures I rebased were a Wars of the Roses army I painted in the 90’s, based on WRG style bases. You can see a before picture with the lads on the green painted bases. Pretty basic bases but they were starting to warp and I never really liked the basing system anyway, so when we started playing Bloody Barons there was nothing for it but to rebase the old soldiers so they could fit in with the new plastics I have been building the last couple of years. 3 figures per 40mm square base.
The three pictures show the newly rebased figs, all of which are lead. The figures in the blue box are mostly Foundry with some Old Glory and Ral Partha and other manufactures mixed in. Almost all the infantry in the yellow box are Blood Axe minis, which at the time were actually being cast here in Oregon. The artillery and crews are all Foundry. Total bases is something like 90 bases for close to 270 figs and guns. It was interesting looking at how my painting style had changed over the last 25 years! A few figs had to be touched up and I did replace some of the hand painted banners I had done in the 90’s but most of the figs were simply remounted. Course modern terrain items like grass, shrubs, and flowers make the bases so much more interesting that the old bases.
31st December 2017 (96 points)
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24 Hellenistic light infantry in 28mm