8th January (12 points)
(and following two pics)
Three 28mm Germans (found them in the bottom of a box!)
8th January (84 points)
(and following six pics)
A section of dug-in 28mm Germans (3 two-man foxholes, 2 gun pits and 2 single man foxholes). Plus an MG nest and two heavy weapons positions.
8th January (40 points)
Five 28mm High Elf Ellyrian Reavers.
9th February (16 points)
6 pounder AT gun
9th February (16 points)
4 British engineers in 28mm
9th February (16 points)
German leIG18 75mm infantry gun in 28mm
9th February (18 points)
A big growly Panther
9th February (18 points)
I've also done a little modification to an existing vehicle. I've made the machine gun on the top of a recce hanomag detachable (magnet) and added a turret with a 20mm, so that it can do double duty as a 250/1 and a 250/9.

17th May (18 points)
A 28mm German halftrack

17th May (44 points)
11x 28mm Germans to ride around in it

15th June (18 points)
28mm Wespe

15th June (18 points)
28mm Schwimmwagon

15th June (18 points)
28mm Hanomag

15th June (18 points)
28mm Daimler Dingo

29th August (90 points)
(and next two pics)
All 28mm:
3x Sherman tanks
2x Universal carriers
All painted up as NZ 2nd Division in Italy

24th October (184 points)
(and next five pics)
Kiwis in Italy or Poles in NW Europe. A total of 41 figures plus four jump-off points.
Command group.
1 Section
2 Section
3 Section
Various supports (snipers, extra 2" mortar, Vickers, plus odds and sods)
Jump-off Points

24th October (36 points)
(and next pic)
A farmhouse

24th October (36 points)
Eight minefield markers, and a piano

24th October (36 points)
A cart, 6 bits of gates and various scatter

5th December (52 points)
9 Riflemen and 4 other fellas (medic, observer, PIAT crew)

5th December (8 points)
Not the whole gun: just two extra crew!

5th December (36 points)

28th December (36 points)
A massive wooden barn

28th December (36 points)
A little shed

28th December (36 points)
8 x 6" sections of concertina wire and three Czech hedgehogs