6th January 2018 (124 points)
30 (Front Rank) Prussian Jäger types plus bloodhound!
Finishes off the infantry for my SP Prussians.

18th January 2018 (18 points)
Cromwell tank in 28mm

18th January 2018 (18 points)
Sherman tank in 28mm

18th January 2018 (18 points)
Anti-Tank Gun in 28mm

18th January 2018 (44 points)
Mortar & HMG in 28mm

23rd January 2018 (18 points)
28mm Puma

23rd January 2018 (18 points)
28mm StuG
4th February 2018 (36 points)
Two Bloat Drones with latest weapon variants.

4th February 2018 (18 points)
(and next pic)
A GW Plagueburst Crawler

4th February 2018 (20 points)
(and next pic)
Gripping Beast figures to represent heroes in my To The Strongest Crusades armies
22nd February 2018 (12 points)
3 Warlord Games preachers. Useful rabble rousers!

22nd February 2018 (36 points)
9 shock markers for SP2. Warbases discs with new Warpainter ground effects.

2nd March 2018 (20 points)
Squid faced demons

2nd March 2018 (20 points)
Chaos Dwarves

2nd March 2018 (24 points)
More Chaos Dwarves

2nd March 2018 (16 points)
Plant creatures

2nd March 2018 (16 points)
Small Shoggoths, giant worm and slug

2nd March 2018 (12 points)
Carnivorous plants and larger shoggoths

2nd March 2018 (16 points)
Big Eyed Aliens

2nd March 2018 (44 points)
Body bags sets 1 and 2

(and next two pics)
7TV stuff this time. Seventeen dodgy robot boys and girls.

8th March 2018 (8 points)
CP Models: a Centron choking a human crewman. Nasty!
8th March 2018 (28 points)
(and next three pics)
CP models again. 7 Avians

8th March 2018 (40 points)
10 Charlie Foxtrot wound counters for recording shock in SP.
Figures are Warlord Games.

22nd March 2018 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Ralph Plowman did these Celtic characters for me. I did the bases. 12 Warlord 28mm figures.

2nd April 2018 (8 points)
Eastern Dwarf Wizard and Apprentice

2nd April 2018 (16 points)
Eastern Dwarves

2nd April 2018 (8 points)
Dwarf wizard and apprentice

2nd April 2018 (12 points)
Dwarf adventurers

2nd April 2018 (16 points)
(and next pic)
Orc “cavalry”

2nd April 2018 (16 points)
Goblin Ninjas

2nd April 2018 (40 points)
(and next pic)
Stone trolls and forest troll.

2nd April 2018 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
54 Ancient British warriors in three bases of 18 figures

2nd April 2018 (72 points)

2nd April 2018 (72 points)

2nd April 2018 (16 points)
(and next two pics)
Sixteen Ancient British skirmishers in four bases of four

2nd April 2018 (32 points)

2nd April 2018 (32 points)

6th April 2018 (156 points)
(and next pic)
Another couple of warbands. They’ve brought their doggies with them this time. 34 figures plus 5 dogs.

11th April 2018 (8 points)
wo splendid looking camels to go in my Crusades era camps for my To The Strongest armies.
11th April 2018 (80 points)
17 Celts and three dogs.

22nd April 2018 (108 points)
(and next three picks)
Nine 20mm tanks (early war British & French)

3rd May 2018 (54 points)
(and next three pics)
Three Sherman tanks, all 28mm from Warlord
3rd May 2018 (18 points)
(and next pic)
28mm Comet tank from Warlord

12th June 2018 (96 points)
(and next three pics)
Airfix Waterloo farmhouse 20mm (had one of these when I was 5!)
12th June 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Early War Minis farmhouse and barn (20mm)
12th June 2018 (32 points)
8 jump off points 28mm
12th June 2018 (48 points)
(and next four pics)
Four vehicles converted and painted for Gaslands. 20mm ish!
12th June 2018 (24 points)
6 Crooked Dice barricades 28mm
12th June 2018 (40 points)
10 Crooked Dice junk piles (28mm)
20th June 2018 (24 points)
Couple more cars converted and repainted for Gaslands.

20th June 2018 (96 points)
Warlord Daleks

20th June 2018 (96 points)
Cybermen from Warlord

6th July 2018 (36 points)
Three 20mm Armourfast Crusaders to add to the list.

17th July 2018 (36 points)
A barbarian hut in 28mm

17th July 2018 (36 points)
A barbarian hut in 28mm

17th July 2018 (72 points)
Two barbarian huts in 28mm

17th July 2018 (18 points)
A StuG in 28mm

17th July 2018 (18 points)
Another StuG in 28mm
17th July 2018 (36 points)
28mm building from Hovels
17th July 2018 (36 points)
Another 28mm building from Hovels
17th July 2018 (54 points)
(and next pic)
Three early war Hanomags in 28mm

17th July 2018 (18 points)
A Stuart light tank in 28mm

17th July 2018 (36 points)
(and next pic)
Four late war Hanomags. Built and camo airbrushed by Vlad. Weathered by me.
(half points awarded)

24th July 2018 (128 points)
(and next pic)
LOTR Rohan cavalry: 16 x 28mm figures.

24th July 2018 (128 points)
(and next pic)
Twelve more Rohirrm

24th July 2018 (96 points)
25 LOTR movement trays
4th August 2018 (260 points)
(and next six pics)
Ancient British chariot/light cavalry stands with a few foot figures for effect.
30 mounted figures plus 5 foot Figures.
4th August 2018 (140 points)
(and next pic)
Two Ancient British warbands
4th August 2018 (54 points)
(and next two pics)
Three Ancient British Generals in chariots

4th August 2018 (36 points)
Ancient British camp/Sacred Grove

4th August 2018 (36 points)
Saracen Camp

4th August 2018 (36 points)
Crusader Camp

4th August 2018 (28 points)
Got a few characters done ahead of a Greek myths themed Dragon Rampant game this evening. Chap in the middle is King Aetes about to sow some Hydras Teeth!!
7 x 28mm figures
4th August 2018 (40 points)
10 Warbases haystacks

16th August 2018 (88 points)
Another 11 Rohirrm cavalry.

24th August 2018 (28 points)
Seven LOTR Rohan Royal Guard infantry

24th August 2018 (40 points)
Five LOTR Warg Riders

24th August 2018 (12 points)
Three Druids for my Ancient Britons

14th September 2018 (96 points)
24 Celt casualties for use as disorder markers.

14th September 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
12 Perry Crusades casualty figures for my To The Strongest armies.

14th September 2018 (88 points)
(and next five pics)
Warlord Strontium Dog stuff. Two bikes and 18 infantry. All 28mm-ish.

30th September 2018 (120 points)
(and next two pics)
30 Warlord early Germans. You’d almost think a 1940 supplement may have just come out...

30th September 2018 (48 points)
12 Perry WOTR command figures.

30th September 2018 (36 points)
9 Front Rank WOTR figures to use as heroes in To the Strongest
30th September 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
6 Perry Wars of the Roses light cavalry

11th October 2018 (36 points)
More 28mm Roses chaps. Just the 9 this time. Perry hand guns and Front Rank Knights.

11th November 2018 (54 points)
(and next two pics)
Three early German vehicles for my early War CoC force.

23rd December 2018 (32 points)
(and next three pics)
Four Perry generals for my Crusaders and Arabs.

23rd December 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Six Deathguard Deathshroud Terminators. These are around 40mm size wise.