25th February 2017 (36 points)
9 bases x Confederates 'Advancing' - 36 foot.
25th February 2017 (36 points)
9 bases x Confederates 'Fighting' - 36 foot.
25th February 2017 (4 points)
3 x Union Snipers - 4 figs
25th February 2017 (80 points)
20 bases x 5th, 6th & 7th New Jersey - 80 foot.
25th February 2017 (51 points)
12 bases x 6th Maine & 7 Command stands for 2nd Maine, 2nd, 5th & 6th New Hampshire, 5th, 8th & 67th Ohio - 3 Mtd, 45 foot.
25th February 2017 (72 points)
18 bases x 7th & 50th Illinois, 4th & 7th Michigan - 72 figs
25th February 2017 (73 points)
18 bases x 19th, 20th Massachusetts, 51st New York & 63rd Pennsylvania - 1 Mtd, 71 foot.
25th February 2017 (16 points)
4 bases x Extra Zouaves - 16 Foot
25th February 2017 (29 points)
7 bases x 146th New York (Garrard’s Tigers) - 1 Mtd, 27 foot.
25th February 2017 (10 points)
2 bases x Berdan's Sharpshooters and Sniper - 1 Mtd, 8 foot.
25th February 2017 (35 points)
8 bases x Union Brigadiers - 16 Mtd, 3 dogs.
25th February 2017 (28 points)
7 bases x Confederate Brigadiers - 14 Mtd.

25th February 2017 (138 points)
Seven 10mm Timecast ACW Buildings; two metres of 4Ground 15mm Snake Fencing
18th March 2017 (84 points)
8 x Freikorps 15 ACW Guns; 4 x 12pdr Howitzers, 2 x 20pdr Parrot Heavy Rifles, 2 x Whitworth 12pdr Breechloader Rifles
6 x Peter Pig ACW Guns - 2 x James Rifles, 2 x Confederate 12pdr Smoothbores, 2 x Union 12pdr Smoothbores
18th March 2017 (60 points)
44" of Timecast 15mm ACW Improvised Breastworks.
18th March 2017 (19 points)
Blue Moon - Field Ambulance and Medics - 1 wagon, 13 Foot.
18th March 2017 (15 points)
Blue Moon Field Forge and Battery Wagon - 2 wagons, three Foot
18th March 2017 (8 points)
Essex Miniatures Confederate Band - 8 Foot
18th March 2017 (7 points)
Old Glory Abe Lincoln, Generals and Photographer - 7 Foot
18th March 2017 (24 points)
Confederate Williams Guns & Union Agar Guns - 4 guns, 10 crew
18th March 2017 (12 points)
Old Glory US Divisonal C-in-C - 3 Mtd
Old Glory CSA Divisional C-in-C - 3 Mtd

12th April 2017 (29 points)
1 Mtd and 27 Infantry - 1st Btn Louisiana Zouaves (Coppen's Zouaves)
7th May 2017 (30 points)
(and next pic)
30 x 15mm casualty markers for Pickett's Charge. Each uses a Peter Pig figure and a 7mm double dice cell from Warbases.
7th May 2017 (12 points)
Some 15mm scenery by Peter Pig too. Set of three peasant haystacks, log pile made by lumberjacks, and six rough hill/ground markers.
5th July 2017 (51 points)
(and next two pics)
Seventeen generic, thirteen SYW Russian and twenty-one SYW Prussian casualty markers for General d'Armee (SYW). Figures are Old Glory. Bases, dice cells and 7mm dice from Warbases.
3rd December 2017 (20 points)
15mm SYW:
16 Prussian Grenadier (35/36th Grenadier Btn. (Schenckendorff)) and 4 Prussian Grenadiers (14th)
3rd December 2017 (40 points)
15mm SYW: 2 x 20 Prussian Fusiliers (36th von Munchow)
3rd December 2017 (24 points)
15mm SYW: 12 x Russian 3rd Cuirassiers
3rd December 2017 (9 points)
15mm SYW: 2 x Prussian Brigadier stands (3 Mtd, 3 foot)
3rd December 2017 (15 points)
15mm SYW: 3 x Russian Brigadier stands (2 Mtd, 11 foot)
11th December 2017 (24 points)
More 15mm SYW stuff finished for my own collection.
12 x Russian (Gruzinskiy) Hussars
11th December 2017 (8 points)
Frederick the Great Command base (1 Mtd, 6 foot)
11th December 2017 (32 points)
16 x Russian (Tobolskiy) Dragoons
31st December 2017 (48 points)
16 x SYW Prussian 1st (Green) Hussars (Szekely)
8 x SYW Prussian 8th (Red) Hussars (Seydlitz)