4th June 2018 (492 points)
(and next three pics)
1/600 ships from PT Dockyard for Coastal Patrol games in the Baltic WWII.
I have a total of 7) Finnish boats; 13) German boats; 13) Soviet boats; 6) freighters: 39 boats altogether. Also 9) evade markers and 12) torpedo tracks

27th June 2018 (96 points)
(and next pic)
Finished up some 6mm airplanes:
8) P51b. 336 FS with decals from Scale Specialties
3) Fw190 Hungarian
2) Bf109G6R2
2) Bf109F in winter camp
1) P61
Total of 16 planes

17th July 2018 (138 points)
Trying to get the lead pile down and on the game table
8) P51 D Raiden
4) FW190 D GHQ
3) Ta 152 Scotia?
3) G4M2 Betty Raiden
2) F1M Pete Raiden
1) Ki15 Babs Ros Heroics
2) JU87 D/G CinC
Total of 23 6mm aircraft

16th August 2018 (132 points)
(and next pic)
Finished up some more boats for Baltic Coastal Patrol. These are all 1/700 models that are going to be used with my 1/600 PT Dockyard stuff. They are all one off so won't look odd.
From Russia:
Tral minesweeper
Shtorm Guard boat
and an Mo4 and MGB to be used as damaged sinking boats
Some 1/700 misc plastic:
2 different tugboats-armed with guns from the leftover pile
3 different luggers
2 S Boats to be used as damaged/sinking ships

24th August 2018 (240 points)
Finished up some 15mm dwellings for AWI of F&I war.
One Blue Moon blockhouse; three log cabins; one house; four sheds; three wells plus got some crops done for the farmsteads: 15" of three sisters corn stalks; 12 " of root crops; and 24" of hedges or climbing crops.

14th September 2018 (60 points)
15mm Second Seminole War for Sharp Practice: 30 mounted figures total: 26 mounted militia and 4 mounted regulars.

30th September 2018 (44 points)
Finished up some more 15mm Second Seminole War stuff for SP.
3 deployment points 1 for US Regulars, 1 for US Dragoons and 1 for Militia a total of 9 15mm minis and terrain.
Some horse holders 2 Dragoons and 2 mounted militia, a total of 4 horseholders and 12 horses.

11th November 2018 (272 points)
At what point do you have enough trees! I just finished 28 Woodland Scenics 3 to 5 inch trees and 40 2 inch trees for more woods for upcoming Seminole war game.
Certainly increases the chance to lose some 15mm minis in the forest.

9th December 2018 (37 points)
Getting started on a new project: F&I campaign in the Sugar Islands.
So far I have painted up thirty-seven 15mm Highlanders.

17th December 2018 (20 points)
Still working on more 15mm F&I minis for campaign in the Sugar Islands. Just finished 20 more Highlanders .