16th January 2021 (82 points)
(and next pic)
It's been a couple of weeks with high humidity here in GA so couldn't finish up the latest batch of 15mm. These are all for the War of Jenkins Ear project for SP. Lots of minor conversions in this mix.
25) Habana fusilier with 4 Big Men
32) Grenadiers and 4 Big Men
5 more Big Men and drummers for previously painted Spanish
A deployment point with 3 men
And 12 more southern natives

9th February 2021 (48 points)
4 x Fairey Fulmars for the Med; and 4 x late war Spit MkXVI(?); all in 6mm.

9th February 2021 (71 points)
(and next pic)
Back to the southern colonies and islands.
34 x 15mm 63rd Line for Sugar Islands 7YW
31 x 15mm Highlanders for War of Jenkins Ear
A 15mm Congreve rocket set converted from Brit Nappies with 3 mounted men and 7 crew for the rocket

21st February 2021 (20 points)
20 more 15mm Spanish for War of Jenkins Ear including some head swaps for the black militia. Picture also shows some previous finishes figs.

21st February 2021 (54 points)
5 Tiger IIs in winter paint for Hungary.
3 Winter Tiger Ie
7 late war Tiger Ie
9 PzIIIL or Ms for East Front
4 SEAC Spit IXs
And 1 15mm ISU 152 to help the Russians blast some Gebirgsjaeger in the far north

2nd March 20201 (74 points)
37) 20mm Britisn Burma figures. Mostly the nice new ones from AB.

2nd March 20201 (50 points)
50) 15mm casualties for the East Front. Including 12 converted to Gebrigsjager and 12 caped Russkies using green stuff.

24th March 2021 (65 points)
(and next two pics)
Finished a small batch of stuff from 2D6wargaming. Really nice figures and some nifty poses including Soviet assault sappers and a German lmg team with the gun being braced on a team member's shoulder.
4 Panther ausf Gs, 3 SU 85s and 3 T34 STZs for a total of 10 vehicles.
20 Soviets and 51 Germans for 71 men.

16th April 2021 (162 points)
(and next pic)
Wrapped up a batch of 6mm aircraft for some Med games.
6) Ju87b for the Italians
7)Ju87ds for African Luftwaffe
2) MC 200s for Malta and No Africa
2) Malta Sea Gladiators
2) Malta Hurricane Mk I
4) P40F and 4) P51As for Operation Torch
Total of 27 6mm planes

21st May 2021 (228 points)
(and next 2 pics)
Finished a batch of 1/600 PT Dockyard ships for Black Sea and Baltic Coastal Patrol games.
4) MAS mtbs for Italuans. 1) Vosper mtb for Romanians. Then a load of Russkies. 1) Sub, 1) SM3, 1) BK 1943 gunboat, 2) BMO gunboats, 3) BK 1125s, 1) w Katyushka, 3) MO2s, and 2) BK 1124s.
Total of 19 ships

13th June 2021 (36 points)
6) 1/300 Scotia A20Gs for the SW Pacific.
Markings are for 90 BS 3rd BG.

31st July 2021 (180 points)
Finally had a chance to finish some more 6mm aircraft.
With a Rabaul bent to most of these:
6 A6M2 Zekes , 6 D3A Vals , 2 A5M Claudes , 6 SBD Dauntless , 6 F6F Hellcats , 2 I16 type 5 , 2 Ju52
30 total planes

18th August 2021 (90 points)
(and next two pics)
3 PSC 45mm and a 76mm guns in 15mm; then some microarmour: 3 x SU76Is; 2 x Pz38t Aufklarungspanzer ; 10 x Hetzers (5 in winter camo); 9 x StuG IVs (4 in winter camo).

18th August 2021 (12 points)
Bunker in 15mm

17th September 2021 (60 points)
Getting more lare war stuff done for IABSM. 24 more Commandos/Marines and some 16 late war Panthers of various Mark's with skirts and stowage added.

17th September 2021 (105 points)
(and next pic)
Working on some more WWII 6MM items. Started some Commando:
126 Adler Marines/commandos
And some more Stugs. GHQ and CinC
6 StuG IIIGs and 2 StuH 42s
3 Earth and wood bunkers

30th September 2021 (285 points)
(and next three pics)
Finished up a batch of 1/600 PT Dockyard boats for East Front Coastal Patrol
For the Kriegsmarine,
8 different MFPs
4 Pils boats
2 Harbor Security boats
2 I Lighters
And for Soviets,
1 Russad or Bolinder Landing craft
3 DB class landing craft
And for 6mm:
9 T26s
4 Kosmolets tractors w crew
2 Stalinetz tractors
4 45mm ATGs
Total of 20 1/600 boats and 15 6mm vehicles and 4 guns

27th October 2021 (54 points)
A batch of 9 6mm buildings for some 1945 games in Germany. I thought I had a great way to do the half timbers by using a pen. But the dullcote then changed the timbers color to red and purple! I added chimneys and thatching to 3 of them.

27th October 2021 (39 points)
Finishing up a few odds and ends in 6mm
3)Tiger Is for 43
3) Sdkfz 251/7s early
2) Sdkfz 251/21 drilling
5) Sdkfz 251/1 late
13 total vehicles

27th November 2021 (69 points)
Some 21st Pz Dv goodies for Normandy: 23 vehicles, all from H&R.

27th November 2021 (55 points)
Some 21st Pz Dv goodies for Normandy: 110 figures, mainly from H&R.