9th January 2021 (138 points)
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The Lancasters and Mosquito are Scotia 1/300, what a change from all of the 1/600 planes I’ve been painting! The 1/300 models have been languishing for 3 years and are finally getting some attention.

14th February 2021 (504 points)
The first picture is of 42 x 1/2400 merchant ships and some escorts. The merchant ship models have an interesting history: my first gaming group broke up about 25 years ago due to people moving out of the area and one very unexpected death. I inherited some of the deceased’s collection, gleaned all the merchants and bought a few more to make up a decent sized convoy.
Only one of these ships had been painted in in something other than basic battleship grey, a very boring sight! Most of the models are Panzerschiffe models, very basic resin cast models, some of which went directly into the bin since they were so poorly cast! All were repainted in differing schemes which I hope are close to what might have been seen at the time. The Hunt and Flower escorts are recent purchases from GHQ since there were none of these ships in the old collection.

14th February 2021 (132 points)
A further 11 escorts, all DDs from the old collections and all repainted. Most are Panzershiffe, thought there are a few metal models mixed in.

14th February 2021 (156 points)
The third photo is my homage to our cousins to the north. At the end of the war the RCN was the third largest navy in the world and they had fought everyday in the Battle of the Atlantic. Again most of these are Panzerschiffe and I’ve snuck the GHQ Flowers into this photo since they are Canadian ships.

3rd April 2021 (156 points)
(and next two pics)
1/300 German aircraft. Some are GHQ, some Scotia, and some are from an unknown brand. The top two photos are Nightfighters, even the single seaters! Can’t imagine flying a 109 or 190 at night hunting bombers. The third photo is a gaggle of Fw190 Ds.

3rd April 2021 (96 points)
Some 1/2400 ships, the last of the merchant ships and three of the crummier castings I tossed out, retrieved and turned into sinking ships. Have to have some wrecks when the U-boats are about.

3rd April 2021 (144 points)
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All these planes are Scotia 1/300, and all of them have been in a box for at least 15 years, much like the German models from the previous set of photos. Only exceptions are the Cr32, Corsair, and the lone Val. All three are from Warlord cruel seas kits.
I had fun with these particularly the Dutch Buffaloes, don’t see them on the game table too often.

3rd April 2021 (48 points)
These are the last of the 1/300 planes, finally got to the bottom of the box. Some Brits from Battle of Britain era, except for the Typhoon (don’t know where it came from). Three of the Spits and the Defiant are Plastic Soldier models. These are the earlier “bendy” kind of plastic and you may notice one of the Spits is slightly warped. 5 pounds for 100 models seemed like a great deal, but some of the models are too warped to be usable. I think there are thirty or so that are acceptable.

3rd April 2021 (12 points)
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A pair of 1/300 B25s that are the very last models from the box. All hand painted, except for the national markings and the numbers. They are painted in markings of the 345 Bomb group in the South Pacific. They made a name for themselves as strafers, and really wild paint schemes. They are my favorite bomb group mostly cause the paint scheme I must admit.

3rd April 2021 (12 points)
Spithead Anglo/Dutch 1/2000 scale ship

16th April 2021 (312 points)
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1/2400 Tumbling Dice and 1/2000 Spithead minis, Spithead mainly.

8th May 2021 (240 points)
(and next eight pics)
The Gladiator project is now finished.
All Foundry/Crusader for the Gladiators and Steve Barber (mostly) civilians.

A pair of horsemen and the accompanying foot.

I wouldn’t want to get in a fight with the next three fighters, brass/iron studded gloves would ruin my day for sure!

Some critters, large, toothy and hungry no doubt! Acheson minis, very nice ones and fun to paint.

Two elites and an archer

Two venators and a Gaul.

Four condemned men

The fans

A Roman crowd enjoying a lovely spring day and a bit of blood letting! What’s not to like?

21st May 2021 (12 points)
A new (?) ship that I just finished. My buddy gave me this model many years ago (the price tag read $6.95 and today’s price is $16.95). Last winter when I was painting these cargo ships and the escorts I went looking for this model, but couldn’t find it. I don’t suppose that has ever happened to you! A couple of weeks ago I was moving some stuff around and there is was behind a shelving unit. So it jumped the line as it were and was painted straight off. BB 46 Maryland by GHQ, nice model.

18th August 2021 (120 points)
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These are some photos of my latest project. 15mm mostly from my cupboard where they have been lurking for many years. The Rebel dropships were purchased this summer. There are 12 Ion Age Haveloc battle suits, 12 GZG NAC power armor, and two Rebel minis walkers. All these models were painted in a base coat of Polly Scale WWI German mauve; the bottle has to be 20 years old at least, but still in good shape. Had great fun with the project.

21st September 2021 (18 points)
Two DLD grav vehicles and that’s a Khurasan medium grav tank sitting on the ground in front of the other two vehicles. I do have a flight stand for it now and it looks more the part of a grav tank!
21st September 2021 (12 points)
A DLD Komodo wheeled APC. I bought it secondhand and the previous owner added the extra reactive armor to it, a good thing I think. The other vehicle is some form of Cold War Russian armored car that I changed up a bit by adding a couple of big sci-fi guns to it, plus the crew man.

30th September 2021 (100 points)
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15mm Quar. I actually painted these little guys in June or early July, but just got around to getting them photographed. Again, these figures sat in a box for several years. Some of them were bought straight from Zombie Smith and some were an E-Bay purchase.

14th November 2021 (40 points)
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Khurasan figs. Corsair battle suits and Reserve Infantry from the Earthdoom set. Very nice figures. I have so many corsair extra parts left over, if only Khurasan would sell the torso and legs there’s enough spare parts for probably 12 more complete suits!

27th November 2021 (48 points)
(and next two pics)
All 15mm, the VTOL is a new Khurasan model (a great kit) and the vehicles are all Brigade minis come out of the cupboard after many years languishing in the dark. I painted them to match some of the earlier vehicles and the Earthdoom infantry figures.

11th December 2021 (12 points)
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A couple of photos of a 15mm Blue Moon building I just finished. Believe it or not, the color scheme is practically the same as my next door neighbors house. A bit garish for Astoria, but I thought it looks pretty good for a sci-fi building! That’s a 15mm GZG security guard in the dome. I like the way it turned out.

30th December 2021 (180 points)
25mm paper buildings from Ebbles, completely modular as you can see from the photos. The modules are held together with bobby pins!

30th December 2021 (32 points)
Just finished these Khurasan minis. How can one have a spaceship game without command chairs and stasis pods. Just can’t be done!