10th October 2019 (220 points)
28mm German Pioneer Platoon, 55 figures painted and based

10th October 2019 (37 points)
15mm WW2 British Platoon, 37 figures

10th October 2019 (66 points)
11 x 1/300 German planes for Battle of Britain boardgame

10th October 2019 (90 points)
15 x 1/300 British fighters for Battle of Britain boardgame

21st October 2019 (90 points)
2 Vickers light tanks and 3 Bren carriers in 28mm

21st October 2019 (160 points)
A British 1940 Rifle platoon, 40 figures

21st October 2019 (36 points)
A German 88 and 15cm Infantry gun and crew

8th November 2019 (24 points)
Two 1/1200 Revell battleships, HMS Prince of Wales and USS Iowa

8th November 2019 (24 points)
Two more 1/1200 batleships, Littorio and Scharnhorst

8th November 2019 (18 points)
Three diecast others, HMS Exeter and two German raiders as merchantmen, based only

8th November 2019 (18 points)
Three diecast 1/1250 German warships, Gneisenau, Prinz Eugen and Z29,
based only

8th November 2019 (72 points)
Twelve 1/600th Beaufort torpedo bombers

8th November 2019 (72 points)
Twelve 1/600th Spitfire fighters

8th November 2019 (72 points)
Twelve 1/600th Swordfish torpedo bombers

1st December 2019 (228 points)
(and next pic)
Sadly I have been forced to join Stumpy and rebase some figures. The old bases were cardboard and 20 years of gaming had warped them. Two pictures of 456 rebased 15mm AK-47 figures for 228 points.

22nd December 2019 (30 points)
A British Vickers and a 2" mortar, with a French 37mm Mle 1916 TRP gun.

22nd December 2019 (44 points)
Eleven extra Germans, including 2 LMG 08 teams and a medic

22nd December 2019 (36 points)
Two German guns, a Flak 30 and another Pak 36.

22nd December 2019 (36 points)
Two Opel Blitz trucks

22nd December 2019 (108 points)
Twenty seven Union infantry for Sharp Practice

28th December 2019 (36 points)
Rubicon 28mm City Walls, all detachable and moveable.