4th October (8 points)
8 slingers who I am choosing to call Balearic
4th October (8 points)
8 greek bowmen
4th October (16 points)
8 prodmoroi light horse
21st September (8 points)
Eight 15mm Greek javelinmen
21st September (8 points)
Eight 15mm Gallic archers
6th September (12 points)
A unit of twelve 15mm Phoenician spearmen
23rd August (12 points)
A 15mm AWI or ACW wooden church
6th September (8 points)
A pair of 15mm Celtic commanders: four mounted
23rd August (40 points)
Five Ancient British chariots in 15mm
19th July (15 points)
Fifteen 15mm Ancient British for Sword & Spear
31st May (72 points)
Seven CoC roadblocks and eight jump off markers, minefield and signs (counts as two buildings total)
31st May (196 points)
49 Vikings in 28mm
31st May (48 points)
48 native Americans and Rebels in 15mm
31st May (48 points)
Four 1/1200 ships to be used for Bag the Hun
5th June (28 points)
AWI cavalry and rebel infantry in 15mm
5th June (36 points)
Five entrenchments and six roadblocks in 28mm
5th June (108 points)
Six assorted 28mm WW2 vehicles
5th June (164 points)
Four Saxons and thirty-nine Picts in 28mm
5th June (72 points)
Eighteen assorted figures for Darkest Africa/Lost Lands in 28mm
19th July (24 points)
Twenty-four AWI Hessians in 15mm
19th July (12 points)
Twelve 15mm AWI Queens Rangers
26th July (32 points)
Sixteen 15mm Ancient British light horse
26th July (12 points)
Twelve 15mm Ancient British medium foot elite warriors
21st September (72 points)
Four 28mm ditches (count as two buildings)
28th September (24 points)
Twelve 15mm Greek Successor cavalry
13th October (12 points)
This week its another 15mm unit - 12 Roman archers.
25th October (18 points)
A 28mm Dunny or, for the posh, outside toilet
25th October (18 points)
Three 28mm List 1 entrenchments for CoC
17th November (72 points)
Twenty 28mm shellholes
17th November (108 points)
Twelve feet of 28mmhedges
24th November (54 points)
Three 28mm anti-tank guns, ten crew
24th November (16 points)
15mm - 2 units of 8 each British javelinmen
24th November (8 points)
15mm - 1 unit of 8 Gallic slingers. Not sure why their feet look red...must be some ancient tradition!
5th December (36 points)
I didnt expect to get anything completed this week but, inspired by the Lardmeister, I put together this 28mm Chateau Soixante-Neuf from Charlie Foxtrot.
15th December (12 points)
3 man Greek command unit
15th December (4 points)
4 person British camp (Druid priest and followers) in 15mm
15th December (24 points)
24 Macedonian/Successor phalangites in 15mm
31st December (16 points)
15mm 8 horse archers (for Sword & Spear).
The cork is to celebrate the new year!