25th February 2017 (48 points)
In 15mm, mostly PSC with some Zvezda and Old Glory: 5 tanks, 2 half tracks and an armoured car.

25th February 2017 (492 points)
(and next four pics)
I'm preparing a 15mm British army for the Peninsula in anticipation of Dave Brown's Napoleonic follow up to Pickett's Charge. Truth be told many of the figures have languished half painted for many years but I am now motivated to do what is intended to be the entire British army in in the Peninsula in 1813. They are only on the old-fashioned twelve figure battalion standard because I have so many other Napoleonics - French, Russian, Austrian and various others - already done that way but I think theylook nice. I replaced all the pewter flag poles with florists’ wire in order to fit the new GMB colours which are now easily ¾”.
15 generals, 168 infantry, 102 cavalry, 15 guns

11th March 2017 (160 points)
Two 20-figure Hessian grenadier battalions for my AWI collection using Foundry Prussians

11th March 2017 (320 points)
Ten more AB 18mm British battalions – 138 foot, 1 mounted
Fifteen 15mm Spanish buildings – old Drum castings

25th March 2017 (30 points)
A few Soviet vehicles in 15mm. A group of five Flames of War T-72s – the second batch I’ve done – in plastic; very nice kits.

25th March 2017 (90 points)
A group of Soviet recce vehicles – T-72s, BMP-1s, BTR60s and BRDM2s – all Old Glory/Skytrex; not as nice as the plastic T-72s but nice at the price.

12th April 2017 (118 points)
The Peninsular Project continues with eight more British battalions - mostly the 5th Division with a couple of other battalions I was missing colours for. 118 x 18mm figures; all AB with GMB colours.

26th April 2017 (112 points)
The British infantry of the 6th Division 1813.
112 AB figures, with GMB colours, including both the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot (The Black Watch) and the 79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders).
Mercifully, the 91st (Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot were “de-kilted” early in the nineteenth century so the 42d and 79th were all the tartan I had to paint.

26th April 2017 (624 points)
(and next three pics)
Over the long Easter weekend, I did an Army Painter exercise on some 28mm Old Glory Beja, with a few Perry command. Not great but adequate for They Don’t Like It Up ‘Em. Four rubs of 39 figures each – 156 figures – flags by the Flag Dude.

4th June 2017 (120 points)
twenty PSC 15mm T34/85s for IABSM

4th June 2017 (112 points)
Empress 28mm modern British infantry – a full platoon (28 figures)

4th June 2017 (40 points)
Empress 28mm modern British infantry – a full platoon (28 figures) plus a couple of sniper teams; the Company Sergeant Major; a couple of chaps with combat shotguns and three chaps with the venerable GPMG to add extra firepower to the sections if, as is likely, I field them as Royal Marines (10 figures).

5th July 2017 (138 points)
Some early war German vehicles. Twenty three altogether including Panzer IIIs, halftracks and 38(T)s (all PSC) and a few bits and pieces from Zvezda (there are more than 23 vehicles in the picture which includes a few from an earlier batch).

25th July 2017 (108 points)
BEF armoured vehicles. Cruisers are PSC (10), Vickers are Peter Pig (6) and the scout cars are Old Glory/Skytrex (2).