3rd February 2019 (96 points)
(and next pic)
24 Perry Spearmen

3rd February 2019 (48 points)
(and next pic)
12 Perry Irish Kern

3rd February 2019 (40 points)
Ranger, three Rats and 6 Spider(ish) creatures.

3rd February 2019 (180 points)
(and next four pics)
Five Tabletop World buildings.

16th February 2019 (36 points)
Panzerjaeger I and Panzer II in 28mm

16th February 2019 (18 points)
SdfKfz 221 in 28mm

16th February 2019 (18 points)
Schwimwagen in 28mm

16th February 2019 (18 points)
SdKfz 250 in 28mm

16th February 2019 (18 points)
Pak 35 in 28mm

16th February 2019 (18 points)
75mm Infantry Gun in 28mm

16th February 2019 (16 points)
5th Columnists in 28mm

16th February 2019 (12 points)
German LMG team in 28mm

16th February 2019 (20 points)
German characters in 28mm

16th February 2019 (8 points)
German light mortar team in 28mm

16th December 2018 (12 points)
More German characters in 28mm

16th February 2019 (28 points)
Seated Germans!
15th March 2019 (24 points)
6 Perry Arab Command.
15th March 2019 (20 points)
Two mounted Perry Arab commanders and a Gripping Beast imam.
15th March 2019 (32 points)
8 Front Rank Wars of the Roses casualties.
15th March 2019 (12 points)
Three gangs of Rome figures. Not sure what I will be using them for!
15th March 2019 (64 points)
(and next pic)
16 gnolls. North Star and Otherworld

15th March 2019 (64 points)
These finish off my first German platoon for 1940.
24th March 2019 (76 points)
(and next two pics)
19 Warlord Belgians. Start of my Chasseurs Ardennais platoon.
24th March 2019 (64 points)
16 AWI US militia
24th March 2019 (48 points)
12 AWI British Light Infantry

24th March 2019 (36 points)
Two AWI guns and eight crew
1st April 2019 (16 points)
4 crew and two support weapons for my Chasseurs chaps.

1st April 2019 (144 points)
(and next pic)
Rest of my Belgian Chasseurs platoon is finished. Had a victorious first outing this afternoon. 36 infantry

13th April 2019 (16 points)
(and next pic)
Four Frostgrave Gnolls

13th April 2019 (140 points)
(and next four pics)
Ten mounted archers/xbows
Fifteen foot archers/xbows

13th April 2019 (172 points)
(and next four pics)
8th Army platoon in 28mm. Three sections of ten each plus thirteen assorted support figures making 43 figures in all.
25th April 2019 (8 points)
2 Hasslefree fighters
25th April 2019 (28 points)
6 civilians and doggy. Warlord and Hasslefree.

16th June 2019 (276 points)
(and next six pics)
A bunch of Italians for my new Chain of Command force.
6 vehicles, 42 crew and leaders

16th June 2019 (144 points)
(and next pic)
36 Warlord Italians

27th July 2019 (180 points)
(and next 14 pics)
The starter set figures from the Mythic Battles Kickstarter.

27th July 2019 (18 points)
Matilda II tank

27th July 2019 (18 points)
Valentine tank from Warlord

27th July 2019 (30 points)
British 2pdr AT gun and Vickers team

27th July 2019 (18 points)
British AT gun team

27th July (64 points)
British Recce Section

27th July 2019 (48 points)
12 Italian infantry

27th July 2019 (48 points)
12 Italian infantry

27th July 2019 (36 points)
Nine Italian infantry

27th July 2019 (36 points)
Nine Italian infantry

27th July 2019 (36 points)
Sarrissa Alamein Station

27th July 2019 (18 points)
Vickers light tank
27th July 2019 (84 points)
21 US Infantry

27th July 2019 (104 points)
(and next three pics)
Few 40k bits this time. 24 of the weird new Primaris Marines which are around 40mm plus a Dreadnaught which is definitely bigger!

4th August 2019 (288 points)
(and next nine pics)
15mm Soviet horde based on Robert Avery’s Bashnya or Bust! scenario pack for IABSM.
So far: 25 vehicles; 14 crew; 124 infantry

4th August 2019 (224 points)
(and next three pics)
US Platoon. Sort of painted these accidentally. Started them a few weeks ago to try contrast paint on bits of them. Just did the other half. 56 x 28mm Warlord figures.
17th August 2019 (72 points)
(and next two pics)
Twelve Soviet WW2 anti-tank guns

31st August 2019 (120 points)
(and next pic)
60 x 20mm Valiant Minis.

28th September 2019 (212 points)
(and next six pics)
53 Senegalese Tirailleurs (Crusader 28mm)

28th September 2019 (18 points)
T-34 in 28mm

28th September 2019 (36 points)
20mm Marders and Pz 38t in 20mm

28th September 2019 (18 points)
Panzer 38(t) in 28mm