24th January (192 points)
(and next pic)
48 ACW Rebs in 28mm

24th January (68 points)
(and next pic)
17 various Crooked Dice baddies in 28mm

6th February (216 points)
52 moria goblins and a cave troll

18th February (8 points)
Big weed creature from Crooked Dice (with 28mm figure for scale)

13th March 2016 (64 points)
(and next two pics)
Sixteen Artizan 28mm WW2 German Infantry

21st April 2016 (54 points)
(and next two pics)
Warbases wagons ready for the release of Sharp Practice 2 this weekend

21st April 2016 (200 points)
(and next seven pics)
Calpe Prussians for SP2 service: 2 mounted; 8 foot officers and std bearers; 2 drummers; 34 men; 2 otter hounds.

3rd May 2016 (34 points)
34 chips for SP2

3rd May 2016 (36 points)
(and next three pics)
The Fellowship of the Ring in 28mm

13th May 2016 (48 points)
Twelve ECW dead or casualties

13th May 2016 (60 points)
(and next two pics)
5 mounted wild west characters with matching foot figures

13th May 2016 (140 points)
(and next three pics)
British Napoleonics: 11 big men and musicians, 24 regulars.

30th May 2016 (54 points)
(and next two pics)
Another set of Warbases' wagons

30th May 2016 (8 points)
(and next pic)
Reaper Bones Demon (approx 100mm tall)

5th June 2016 (54 points)
(and next two pics)
Three Warlord Games 28mm PZ IVs

5th June 2016 (32 points)
(and next two pics)
2 deployment markers, physic and patient and a priest. All Redoubt 28mm minis.

5th June 2016 (112 points)
(and next two pics)
Latest additions to bring my FIW forces up to SP2 levels: 24 line infantry plus 4 big men. Oh and six 2x2 sabot bases too!

9th June 2016 (36 points)
Pegasus Russian House. Supposedly 20mm but looks great with 28mm FIW.

9th June 2016 (56 points)
14 militia (Redoubt and AW)

9th June 2016 (16 points)
4 Rogers Rangers (Galloping Major)

9th June 2016 (32 points)
8 Mohawk (Warlord)

9th June 2016 (44 points)
11 Huron (Warlord)

9th June 2016 (48 points)
12 Gorhams Rangers (Galloping Major)

21st June 2016 (18 points)
Great Escape Games Prison Wagon

26th July 2016 (128 points)
32 French (Irish) 7YW infantry.

26th July 2016 (13 points)
13 Ral Partha Dwarves (15mm)

26th July 2016 (24 points)
12 Copplestone Barbarian Cavalry (15mm)

26th July 2016 (6 points)
(and next two pics)
Mounted barbarian heroes (Copplestone 15mm)

31st July 2016 (84 points)
21 arab archers, Perry Miniatures

31st July 2016 (84 points)
21 Crusader crossbowmen from Perry Miniatures
14th August 2016 (672 points)
(and next two pics)
In my quest for the perfect crusades rules I've re-based a heap of Crusaders and Arabs for Soldiers of God. All 28mm mainly Black Tree, Perry and Musketeer.
180 infantry
78 cavalry

3rd September 2016 (54 points)
Some local colour for Mars: six Thamels plus three wagons and four crew.

3rd September 2016 (192 points)
9 market stalls plus numerous accessories and 21 civilians and traders.

3rd September 2016 (168 points)
(and next pic)
Ironclad Sanwar - 42 of 'em

3rd September 20916 (8 points)
Ironclad Sanwar on war lizard.

25th September 2016 (96 points)
48 eagle miniatures based

25th September 2016 (48 points)
12 Black Tree Crusader archers
25th September 2016 (48 points)
Twelve Black Tree archers
25th September 2016 (64 points)
Sixteen Black Tree armed Pligrims

20th October 2016 (96 points)
24 Perry Arabs in 28mm

20th October 2016 (96 points)
24 Black Tree Arabs in 28mm

30th October 2016 (60 points)
15 Black Tree Crusades Arab bowmen

27th November 2016 (48 points)
12 expert sergeants (all Fireforge)

27th November 2016 (48 points)
12 Sergeants (Fireforge with Perry halberd arms)

27th November 2016 (24 points)
12 archers (Fireforge with Perry and Frostgrave bow arms)

27th November 2016 (24 points)
6 bidowers (Frostgrave with Perry heads and bow arms)

7th December 2016 (96 points)
24 Wars of the Roses Perry plastics
7th December 2016 (308 points)
(and next two pics)
154 Wars of the Roses rebased onto multiples. Perry and Front Rank.
19th December 2017 (144 points)
(and next pic)
36 Wars of the Roses Perry Plastic Archers

19th December 2017 (96 points)
(and next pic)
12 Perry Military Order Crusader Knights

26th December 2016 (48 points)
12 Fireforge Crossbowmen for my Dragon Rampant force

26th December 2016 (20 points)
5 Perry command (Earl of Devon)

26th December 2016 (96 points)
24 Perry halberdiers

26th December 2016 (216 points)
(and next two pics)
54 Foundry /Citadel archers

26th December 2016 (48 points)
6 Foundry mounted knights

30th December 2016 (12 points)
Forest of Dean deployment point!

30th December 2016 (56 points)
Doctor Who Black Tree UNIT reinforcements: 14 soldiers

30th December 2016 (32 points)
Doctor Who Black Tree UNIT reinforcements: 4 sgts and captains, 4 bazooka team soldiers

30th December 2016 (40 points)
Doctor Who Black Tree UNIT reinforcements: 10 heavy weapons soldiers

30th December 2016 (84 points)
Doctor Who additions - 21 Black Tree Cybermen

30th December 2016 (48 points)
12 more Wars of the Roses Perrys

30th December 2016 (24 points)
6 rebased Perry knights

31st December 2016 (80 points)
(and next pic)
20 figures to complete some units made up of the rebased figures from earlier this year.