3rd January 2021 (19 points)
A unit of Classicial Indian javelinmen. 15mm Museum Miniatures.

3rd January 2021 (32 points)
Some rather roughly painted Condederates. This is my old style of painting: not sure I like it any more! 15mm Essex figures.
10th January 2021 (3 points)
Three Big Men for my 15mm Grudd (space dwarves): a Warlord, and Engineer Lord and an Old One. Onslaught Miniatures.
10th January 2021 (6 points)
Grudd Big Man on Motortrike. 15mm Onslaught Miniatures.
10th January 2021 (12 points)
Two Grudd Seismic Inducers plus crew. 15mm sci fi from Onslaught MIniatures.
10th January 2021 (12 points)
Two Grudd Quadd Mortars plus crew. 15mm sci fi from Onslaught MIniatures.
10th January 2021 (12 points)
Two Grudd Heavy Mining Lasers plus crew. 15mm sci fi from Onslaught MIniatures.
21st January 2021 (24 points)
A platoon of Grudd Jarlsmen. 15mm sci-fi from Onslaught Miniatures.
21st January 2021 (5 points)
A Grudd Ancient One and retinue. 15mm sci-fi from Onslaught Miniatures.

31st January 2021 (19 points)
A Classical Indian unit of javelinmen. 15mm Museum Miniatures.

23rd February 2021 (24 points)
Four 15mm SdKfz 7 ½-tracks from Battlefront

25th February 2021 (54 points)
Nine Classical Indian 2-horse chariots. 15mm goodness from Museum Miniatures.

5th March 2021 (12 points)
15mm Russian church from Magister Militum
31st March 2021 (69 points)
Four bases of Rabble and a Scots Gallant Gentleman.
31st March 2021 (14 points)
Stage coach, team and outriders. 15mm Essex.
10th April 2021 (32 points)
Battalion of early period French Napoleonic infantry.
18mm AB figures.
20th April 2021 (18 points)
Classical Indian cavalry from Museum Miniatures.
25th April 2021 (12 points)
Russian Orthodox church in 15mm from Hovels
25th April 2021 (4 points)
ECW Colonel command base in 15mm. Figures from Matchlock.
25th April 2021 (12 points)
Ursid Big Man and Ur-Cannon team from Khurasan
30th April 2021 (5 points)
15mm Druids and home-made obelisk. Figures from Capitan via Stonewall.
30th April 2021 (36 points)
Three 15mm Chinese houses from Mini Warfare
8th May 2021 (27 points)
Roman Legionary Cavalry and an Army Standard.
26th May 2021 (9 points)
Praesentia Trinary leaders. 15mm sci-fi originally from Critical Mass but now available through Ral Partha.
26th May 2021 (18 points)
Nine armoured Classical Indian cavalrymen. 15mm Ancients from Museum.
26th May 2021 (18 points)
Nine more armoured Classical Indian cavalrymen. 15mm Ancients from Museum.
26th May 2021 (10 points)
Five Felids on jetbikes. 15mm sci-fi from Khurasan.

19th June 2021 (2 points)
Two Scottish Gallant Gentlemen for my Covenantors

19th June 2021 (6 points)
A fourth general for my Classical Indians

28th June 2021 (30 points)
(and next pic)
ECW Scottish Horse for For King & Parliament

8th July 2021 (27 points)
Pike-Heavy Battalia for the ECW

18th July 2021 (9 points)
Two Colonel command stands for my ECW forces, and a Gallant Gentleman from north of the border.

31st July 2021 (27 points)
(and next pic)
Another battalia of shot-heavy foot for my ECW collection. Main body are Peter Pig, command are Hallmark.

27th August 2021 (12 points)
(and next pic)
Attached shot markers for For King & Parliament.

29th August 2021 (32 points)
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Early period French Napoleonic Line Infantry.
18mm AB figures.

31st August 2021 (12 points)
A few bits and pieces for my Space Dwarf force: motorbikes from Boon Town Metals, standard bearers from Onslaught Miniatures.

4th September 2021 (37 points)
Crudely-based Cossacks in two’s and singles re-based and given sabot bases to make them into 7-strong units.

10th September 2021 (18 points)
Ikwen riders on Runth

10th September 2021 (4 points)
Four Ikwen Big Men

10th September 2021 (14 points)
Ikwen support teams
L to R: Two tank killer teams, one sniper team, two electronic warfare specialist teams

19th September 2021 (32 points)
A third battalion of early period French Napoleonic infantry.
18mm AB Figures painted mostly with Contrast Paints. Bases and tray from Warbases.

10th October 2021 (3 points)
Cossack Tabor Command

10th October 2021 (12 points)
Cossack Tabor

10th October 2021 (12 points)
Cossack Tabor

10th October 2021 (12 points)
Cossack Tabor

10th October 2021 (12 points)
Cossack Tabor

26th October 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Two sotnias of Registered Cossacks from my 17th Century Zaporozhian Cossack army for the eastern European version of For King & Parliament.

26th October 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Two sotnias of Registered Cossacks from my 17th Century Zaporozhian Cossack army for the eastern European version of For King & Parliament.

2nd November 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Cossack moloitsy: two sotnias.

2nd November 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Cossack moloitsy: two sotnias.

5th November 2021 (165 points)
The 19th Century Austrians re-based: 172 infantry, 40 horsemen and 13 guns/limbers.
21st November 2021 (185 points)
The 19th Century Prussians re-based: 204 infantry, 62 cavalry and 7 guns/limbers.

22nd November 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Another base of Cossack Moloitsy.

1st December 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Another base of Cossack Moloitsy.

1st December 2021 (8 points)
Tartar bowmen bought at Warfare ‘21 and rebased.

10th December 2021 (16 points)
A base of Tatar bowmen

10th December 2021 (6 points)
Two Cossack Colonels

18th December 2021 (16 points)
More Tatar bowmen

18th December 2021 (7 points)
Cossack commander in chief

26th December 2021 (18 points)
(and next pic)
A unit of Tatar nobles.
15mm figures from By Fire & Sword.

26th December 2021 (12 points)
Two Japanese Type 95 Kurogane Staff Cars in 15mm from Syborg 3D Printing.
29th December 2021 (20 points)
Tatar Bowmen and Tatar Hetman commander

31st December 2021 (24 points)
Cossack wagons for use as barricades/fortifications

31st December 2021 (219 points)
19th century French army re-based: 242 infantry, 54 cavalry and 14 guns