23rd January 2020 (48 points)
Zulu War British. 12 x 28mm Perry figs

9th February 2020 (28 points)
Zulu War Brits. A heliograph team and some casualties. 7 x 28mm Perry figs

10th April 2020 (24 points)
First lockdown entry. Two 1:700 brigs from Hagen

3rd May 2020 (24 points)
Zulu war brits. 6 x 28mm figures, two Perry four Empress ( I think)

3rd May 2020 (12 points)
Black seas ship. 1:600 Airfix Victory kit cut down to make a large 3rd rate

3rd May 2020 (32 points)
Natal native contingent. 8 x 28mm figures, Perry officer, Warlord natives.

23rd May 2020 (36 points)
Stukas for Blood Red Skies. 6 x 1:200 scale models from Warlord

23rd May 2020 (32 points)
Natal native contingent. 8 x 28mm figures. Perry officer, rest Warlord

30th May 2020 (18 points)
British Zulu war 7pdr gun. 4x28mm figures plus gun from Wargames Foundry

23rd June 2020 (24 points)
A couple of Black Seas brigs. 1:700 scale models from Warlord

25th July 2020 (24 points)
Two frigates for Black Seas. 1:700 models from Warlord

8th August 2020 (32 points)
Zulu skirmishers armed with muskets and breechloaders. 8 x 28mm figures from Walord and Perry
22nd August 2020 (48 points)
Two brigs for Black Seas plus some ships boats. 1:700 models from Warlord

19th September 2020 (84 points)
Zulus! A leader base and an unmarried regiment. 21 x 28mm figures from Perry, Victrix and Empress.

3rd October 2020 (72 points)
Zulus! Married regiment. 18 x 28mm figures from Warlord, Perry and Empress
19th October 2020 (92 points)
Zulus! Unmarried regiment and some casualties. 23 x 28mm figures from Perry, Warlord and Empress

14th November 2020 (48 points)
The last of the rated ships for Black Seas. A large French 3rd rate and two frigates plus som ships boats. 1:700 models from Warlord and Airfix.
28th November 2020 (120 points)
The last of the Black Seas ships. 2 Ketches, 2 cutters, 2 luggers and 4 gun boats. And a sigh of relief. 1:700 models from Hagen.
28th November 2020 (60 points)
A rather random selection. Some freebie figures, scratch built scenery and a model that I’ve had for 30 years and finally have a use for.
6x28mm figures ( 3 French and Indian war types, a sea dog, and a couple of sci fi figs) a 1:2000 Bismarck for use as an air target and some 1:700 scenery for Black Seas ( Martello tower, coastal emplacements and building).
6th December 2020 (84 points)
German Fallschirmjager. 42 x 20mm Airfix figures
6th December 2020 (42 points)
WW2 Germans in winter uniform. 21 x 20mm figures, mostly Fantassin with one Airfix and two Matchbox making up numbers
18th December 2020 (48 points)
WW2 German Gebirgsjaeger ski troops. 24 x 20mm Airfix figures
18th December 2020 (42 points)
Late war German Panzergrenadiers. 21 x 20mm figures; Fantassin apart from the guys in the inflatable who are Revell