16th January 2021 (56 points)
15mm Seven Years War Hungarian infantry and Austrian Jaeger. All by Freikorps figures.

16th January 2021 (16 points)
15mm Scottish medieval spearmen, again by Freikorps figures.

16th January 2021 (28 points)
15mm Hundred Years War. Twenty longbow and 8 billmen by Plastic Soldier Company. These is from the new fangled plastic Hundred Years War starter army that I got for Christmas. Great to paint and apart from the weight indistinguishable from metal. Excellent figures!

24th January 2021 (40 points)
These are all from the fantastic PSC Hundred Years War 15mm set: 40 longbows

24th January 2021 (30 points)
These are all from the fantastic PSC Hundred Years War 15mm set: 12 billmen, 12 men at arms and 3 mounted knights

9th February 2021 (24 points)
15mm AWI British by Peter Pig

9th February 2021 (24 points)
More AWI. A regiment of rebel militia. Peter Pig again.

9th February 2021 (24 points)
24 Napoleonic Saxon Infantry by Minifigs

9th February 2021 (24 points)
The last of my PSC Hundred Years War figures. Two command bases and two bases of billmen. 24 figures in total.

14th February 2021 (120 points)
(and next three pics)
Spanish Napoleonic figures, hopefully the beginning of my new Peninsular War project The figures are by Xan Miniatures (sold by Empress Miniatures in the UK) all are 15mm as usual.
Five battalions, each of 24 figures. Three line (white coats) and two militia (brown coats). Total of 120 15mm infantry.

2nd March 2021 (72 points)
All 15mm, all Spanish Napoleonic again as my army now starts to take shape. Three more 24 strong battalions of infantry, one of fusiliers, two of militia.

2nd March 2021 (36 points)
An ox drawn 8lb foot battery (two guns, ten crew, four oxen and two limbers), eight skirmishers and finally a couple of mounted generals to oversee the inevitable defeat!

12th March 2021 (72 points)
6 X 15mm Spanish village buildings by Hovels

12th March 2021 (24 points)
12 X 18mm Spanish Napoleonic cavalry by Xan Miniatures

12th March 2021 (24 points)
12 X 18mm Napoleonic Spanish dragoons from Stonewall Miniatures, nice sculpts but the horses as supplied were rather skinny so they've been replaced with spare horses from the 'that stuff will come in useful one day' box!

24th March 2021 (60 points)
Some more 15mm Iberian real estate from Hovels for my Spanish army to defend

24th March 2021 (52 points)
(and next pic)
Two more Spanish 15mm infantry battalions, one in smart new British supplied blue uniforms and one with some clerical assistance; and another couple of generals to help to run things.

16th April 2021 (44 points)
It's back to the Hundred Years War with some Plastic Soldier Company French foot, crossbows (24 figures), skirmishers (4 figures), spears (16 figures) in 15mm.

16th April 2021 (56 points)
Some more Spanish Napoleonics: one battalion of grenadiers (24 figures), one of fusiliers (24 figures), a few skirmishers (4 actually!) and a couple of generals.

30th April 2021 (37 points)
(and next four pics)
37 X 1/72 WW2 Russians. These chaps were bought at a local antique/craft market and after a repaint and a rebasing they're of to find a new home on eBay.

30th April 2021 (29 points)
12 X 15mm Hundred Years War mounted knights and a mounted general with three attendants.

21st May 2021 (20 points)
19 Hessian grenadiers on foot with a mounted commander, twenty figures in total.

21st May 2021 (48 points)
15mm AWI, and pretty much all Peter Pig: two 24 figure strong battalions of British line. One in tricorn, one in round hats and a stand of 4 extra men to round out an existing unit in my collection.

21st May 2021 (46 points)
One 24 figure strong battalion of US Continental infantry in hunting shirts, a French battery with two cannon and 8 crew, a limber with two horses and a bloke to keep things moving and a mounted French general with a 2 man infantry escort.
The French general is actually a Hessian general in disguise. I only found the French general figures pack when this base was painted and based! Typical!

31st May 2021 (100 points)
(and next pic)
The start of a small French Seven Years War army to fight alongside my Austrian and Reichsarmee troops (a small wargames army! Famous last words!!). All 15mm by Freikorps figures.
Four battalions of infantry each 24 figures strong and a mounted brigadier and ADC.

24th June 2021 (36 points)
Seven Years War French dragoons

24th June 2021 (36 points)
Seven Years War French line cavalry in 15mm (must remember to add the standard!)

24th June 2021 (24 points)
24 French SYW Line Infantry

24th June 2021 (18 points)
French Seven Years War light infantry in 15mm

24th June 2021 (24 points)
French SYW: some much needed artillery support, in this case two cannon, 8 gunners, two limbers, four horses and two drivers.

18th July 2021 (24 points)
1/72 WW2 Russian heavy machine gun teams. Found in the loft, painted, based and off to find new home on eBay!

18th July 2021 (44 points)
AWI: four Hessian fusiliers to fill out a unit and two twenty strong rebel militia regiments. The militia were all individually based for Rebels and Patriots rules but they've been rebased on 4 figure 25mm square bases to match the rest of my collection. All Peter Pig figures

18th July 2021 (38 points)
18 more Seven Years War French cavalry in 15mm by Freikorps figures.

18th July 2021 (16 points)
AWI: eight mounted figures for command bases

31st July 2021 (24 points)
24 AWI militia using Peter Pig figures.

31st July 2021 (20 points)
20 AWI militia using Peter Pig figures.

31st July 2021 (18 points)
18 x 15mm British light infantry by Peter Pig

31st July 2021 (24 points)
A bit of an experiment - some AWI casualty markers using 5mm dice and Minibits dice frames. After my last game it became a pain, and visually jarring, tracking casualties with little counters, hence 24 single figure bases for British, American, Hessian and French units, all by Peter Pig. I'll have to wait until my next game to see if it works though!

31st July 2021 (24 points)
24 SYW French infantry by Freikorps figures.

11th August 2021 (48 points)
A dozen 28mm foot knights by Gripping Beast. The flag is from an old edition of a wargames magazine I unearthed!

11th August 2021 (36 points)
15mm Seven Years War Prussian hussars, again by Freikorps.

11th August 2021 (24 points)
15mm Seven Years War fusilier battalion by Freikorps figures.

11th August 2021 (17 points)
15mm Seven Years War stuff, 4 brigadier bases, with 7 mounted and three foot figures.

18th August 2021 (48 points)
(and next pic)
28mm with 12 more of my bring and buy Gripping Beast medievals. Can't really complain for 50p each!

18th August 2021 (16 points)
15mm output are 16 medieval spearmen, again by Freikorps

18th August 2021 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Twelve Essex 15mm medieval Welsh cavalry

18th August 2021 (24 points)
15mm Seven Years War Prussians - a 24 figure battalion of frei grenadiers by Freikorps

29th August 2021 (64 points)
(and next pic)
This week sees a complete change of scale to 28mm.
I purchased one box of Perry miniatures Agincourt French infantry on a whim. Now I'm suddenly painting a whole new army in a new scale!
Anyway here are 36 X 28mm Perry Miniatures Hundred Years War infantry. New sabot bases from Warbases are inbound so the next lot won't look quite so disorganized!

17th September 2021 (24 points)
28mm Perry Hundred Years War: 6 men at arms.

17th September 2021 (24 points)
28mm Perry Hundred Years War: 6 men at arms.

17th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Hundred Years War: 6 mounted men at arms.

17th September 2021 (24 points)
28mm Perry Hundred Years War: 6 crossbowmen.

17th September 2021 (24 points)
28mm Perry Hundred Years War: 6 crossbowmen.

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: 12 spearmen

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: 12 lightly armed militia infantry

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: 12 crossbowmen

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: six knights on foot

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: 6 mounted men at arms

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: 6 mounted men at arms

30th September 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures figures for my Hundred Years War French: 6 mounted men at arms

30th September 2021 (24 points)
24 x 15mm AWI US infantry by Peter Pig.

15th October 2021 (26 points)
26 X 15mm WW2 late war German infantry. Paint job touched up and tatty old bases replaced by nice new MDF ones. The figures are mainly Peter Pig with a few Battlefront mixed in.

15th October 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures Hundred Years War French. 12 blokes with shields and spears.

15th October 2021 (48 points)
28mm Perry Miniatures Hundred Years War French. Six mounted men at arms.

27th October 2021 (36 points)
Some rough ground markers.

27th October 2021 (36 points)
28mm bridge

27th October 2021 (32 points)
Napoleonic Spanish: 32 light infantry by AB figures

27th October 2021 (12 points)
Napoleonic Spanish.
A dozen Stonewall miniatures guerillas.

27th October 2021 (41 points)
Napoleonic Spanish.
A dozen Xan cavalry, a cannon with 5 crew and an ox drawn limber (cannon, crew and limber by Xan, oxen by Museum Miniatures). Finally a couple of generals from Stonewall Miniatures encouraged by a Museum Miniatures friar.

14th November 2021 (53 points)
A 24 figures strong ACW Union infantry regiment, 18 Union infantry, 9 Confederates and a mounted Union officer.

14th November 2021 (36 points)
More terrain building with a set of six scratch built 28mm stone walls.

27th November 2021 (24 points)
Three terrain pieces based on old cd's. A project made even more enjoyable by using old training material from work! Two pieces are sized for 10mm, one for 15mm figures.

27th November 2021 (24 points)
Next six 28mm English longbows (Perry Miniatures plastics) as I finally begin to start an army to fight my Hundred Years War French.

27th November 2021 (48 points)
(and next two pics)
Finally it's back to Spain with 48 x 15mm Spanish Napoleonic infantry from AB miniatures.

27th November 2021 (12 points)
A 15mm Hovels resin church

11th December 2021 (28 points)
Some 15mm French Seven Years War. A 24 strong infantry battalion, a couple of mounted generals.

11th December 2021 (36 points)
Some 15mm French Seven Years War. 18 mounted dragoons (who have yet to receive their standard!)

11th December 2021 (12 points)
15mm hill

11th December 2021 (24 points)
Some 28mm Hundred Years War archers from Perry Miniatures as my English Army reaches a dozen figures!!

11th December 2021 (44 points)
15mm again with 32 men at arms and spearmen by PSC and 12 Donnington crossbowmen.

19th December 2021 (24 points)
Seven Years War. A French artillery battery (2 cannon, 8 gunners, 4 horses, 2 limbers and 2 drivers).

19th December 2021 (36 points)
Seven Years War. A Prussian cuirassier regiment (18 mounted figures).

19th December 2021 (24 points)
Seven Years War. A Prussian musketeer regiment (24 figures strong).

19th December 2021 (24 points)
Seven Years War. A Prussian fusilier regiment (24 figures strong).

19th December 2021 (47 points)
Some WW2 stuff I've had kicking around unpainted for ages, now it's finally been painted and found new home, appropriately, in the USA, namely an American rifle platoon and a mortar section.

19th December 2021 (18 points)
Two Sherman tanks and an M5 half track.

30th December 2021 (48 points)
Two 24 strong battalions of Prussians, one of useless forcibly impressed Saxons (white facings, on the left) and one of regular musketeers. The figures are all 15mm Seven Years War and are all Freikorps figures.

30th December 2021 (19 points)
Some French Seven Years War Command bases. Seven mounted, three dismounted , one riderless Frankenstein horse (my first ever equine head and neck transplant!) and a dog.