8th March 2016 (8 points)
Four Runequest spirits in 28mm: basing only
8th March 2016 (56 points)
Rat head broos: 14 x 28mm
8th March 2016 (19 points)
Officers and a gun crew8 mounted, 3 foot. 15mm.

23rd March 2016 (468 points)
Orlanthi Steading in 28mm: 20 walls, 2 stairs, 2 gates, 5 cottages, 1 Thane's hall, 1 cart shed, 1 long hall.

23rd March 2016 (78 points)
Thomas and Laffe; 6 bears; 10 seals with mounted penguins, 50 penguins. Count as 15mm.

23rd March 2016 (24 points)
15mm igloos. What happens when you make them with a glue gun!

30th March 2016 (12 points)
Laffe's Swedish Ski boat

30th March 2016 (60 points)
French 3rd Chausseurs: thirty 15mm horse

30th March 2016 (160 points)
40 x 28mm Balazaring tribesmen

30th March 2016 (32 points)
Eight scorpionmen in 28mm
5th April 2016 (36 points)
Harrek, Gunda twice, Garrath, Fauur, Thor, Dancer in Darkness, Thera with gun and Ax: 9X28mm
5th April 2016 (56 points)
Temple to Uleria building and 5 staff in 28mm
5th April 2016 (48 points)
Piku, Wife, Assistant and house in 28mm
5th April 2016 (28 points)
Angry mob 7X 28mm
5th April 2016 (92 points)
Western Nobles and retainers 23X 28mm
5th April 2016 (25 points)
Angry Penguin hating mob 25X 15mm
5th April 2016 (28 points)
Vingan warband 7X28mm
19th April 2016 (56 points)
Shamans and spirits 14X 28mm
19th April 2016 (36 points)
bolo lizard cavalry(pygmies) 9x20MM
19th April 2016 (44 points)
Stormbull warband 11X 28mm
19th April 2016 (52 points)
Gringle and Quackjohn visit Sherruf Dronlan and the missus: 4X28mm people and one building
19th April 2016 (88 points)
Assorted Srtarites 22X 28mm

19th July 2016 (136 points)
Redcoats 34X28mm

19th July 2016 (120 points)
Riflemen 30X28mm
19th July 2016 (80 points)
Natives 20X28MM

19th July 2016 (76 points)
Broos 19X28mm

19th July 2016 (156 points)
Pirates 39X28mm
16th October 2016 (68 points)
4 walls, 2 guard towers 2 ox carts all 28mm
16th October 2016 (240 points)
Sloop, Dory, longboat, whaling boat, fishing boat 5X 28MM
16th October 2016 (80 points)
8 T-72, 3 Fist-v, 2 Brads, 1 M-1, 1 M109A5 all 15mm
16th October 2016 (64 points)
16 more redcoats X28mm
16th October 2016 (312 points)
78 Pirates X28mm
16th October 2016 (168 points)
Wurzburg Infantry Shako 42X 28mm
16th October 2016 (36 points)
Supply wagon and Geos Bouncer 2X28mm
16th October 2016 (76 points)
French Chausseurs + Sappers 19X28mm
16th October 2016 (42 points)
5 Engineers, vivandier and engineer wagon in 28mm
16th October 2016 (396 points)
South West houses and water mill, 11X28mm
19th December 2016 (96 points)
2 longships 2X28mm
19th December 2016 (96 points)
Small and Medium Galleons 2X28mm
19th December (40 points)
Just another snake cult: 10X28mm
19th December (476 points)
Viceroys guard 119X28mm
19th December 2016 (432 points)
Pirate shanty town with 3 docks, 1 raft, 2 lean tos, I tent, 1 shack, 2 block houses, 1 large house, 1 open air tavern 12X 28MM
26th December 2016 (108 points)
Disgruntled (is there another kind?) Highland Jacobites27X28mm
26th December 2016 (48 points)
Mayan warriors 12X28mm
26th December 2016 (216 points)
Open air loot market, short catwalk, long catwalk, wood jetty, 2 rafts