8th January (44 points)
For The Great War, a battalion of British (32 infantry figures) and a squadron (6 horse) of Ottoman cavalry. All in 15mm.

25th January (34 points)
Here are 34 figures in 15mm for my WWI Arab Army.
25th January (6 points)
I have six 15mm hotchkiss machine gun figures.
31st January (12 points)
Three Japanese Type 89s tanks done in 15mm.
3rd February (18 points)
3 1/600 Scale SM.79
3rd February (24 points)
4 15mm M51 IDF Tanks
3rd February (12 points)
2 15mm Type 89 Japanese Command Tanks

9th February (51 points)
Here we have 51 15mm Early WWII Germans for Chain of Comman

15th February (18 points)
Three 15mm tanks, a Panzer I and two Panzerbefehlswagen

22nd February (12 points)
2 armored cars (Wz.34) and a 7TP, all in 15mm

22nd February (12 points)
Two Japanese Isuzu 1.5-ton Trucks in 15mm

28th February (7 points)
Seven 28mm cacti

3rd March (24 points)
Finished off six 28mm Old West figures.

14th March (64 points)
16 28mm figures. These will fill out my Mexican Cow-poke gangs as well as a civilian and a bank robber. The Cacti are new as well, ;-)

16th March (189 points)
63 1/600 Tanks of the 2nd Armoured Regiment Polish Division for Falaise.
Done one for one. Only thing I am missing are the 3 Crusader AA tanks
which have not been made (yet).

21st March (189 points)
Polish 10th Mounted Regiment: 63 tanks in 1/600 scale

27th April (9 points)
9 Home Guard 15mm scale.

30th June (65 points)
(and next two pics)
Just finished up my LDV platoon ready for the Germans in 1940. They are in 15mm: 45 Infantry; 7 Horse; 1 Artillery Piece.

17th November (41 points)
41 trees built, based and flocked. Trees size up to 8cm.