9th January 2018 (24points)
Back to Lion Rampant with 1/72 medieval figures. Twelve longbowmen all by Strelets.

9th January 2018 (24 points)
Back to Lion Rampant with 1/72 medieval figures. Twelve infantry all by Strelets.

9th January 2018 (7 points)
7 X 15mm pike by Donnington for my Pikeman's Lament project

23rd January 2018 (24 points)
Twelve longbowmen in 20mm

23rd January 2018 (24 points)
Twelve crossbowmen in 20mm

23rd January 2018 (12 points)
Six handgunners in 20mm

23rd January 2018 (24 points)
Twelve men-at-arms in 20mm

23rd January 2018 (24 points)
Twelve men-at-arms in 20mm

4th February 2018 (21 points)
some 15mm pike and shot types for my slowly growing Pikeman's Lament project. In this case 6 mounted dragoons, 4 foot dragoons and 5 pikes.

4th February 2018 (72 points)
(and next three pics)
More 1/72 medieval figures for my rapidly expanding Lion Rampant forces: namely 6 mounted knights, 12 bowmen and 12 men at arms.

17th February 2018 (39 points)
I've done some 15mm ACW (even though I can't fit them on my table and I don't actually need any more!).
23 Union infantry and 2 wrecked battery markers from Peter Pig that I bought on a whim at Vapnartak - 1 wrecked cannon and 3 dead/injured crew each.

17th February 2018 (72 points)
A few more 1/72 medieval figs: 6 hobilars, 12 crossbows and 12 infantry.

2nd March 2018 (72 points)
12 mounted figures and 12 dismounted figures, all 1/72 for Lion Rampant.

2nd March 2018 (12 points)
A terrain piece: in this case a piece of rough ground/swampy terrain made from a spare vinyl floor tile and plenty of sand, glue, Matt medium, gloss varnish and whatever bits of ground cover were in my basing supply box! Shown here with some dismounted 15mm AWI light dragoons (which are not part of my entry!) to give an idea of size.

12th March 2018 (24 points)
The last (at least for now) of my 1/72 medieval project - 12 longbows.

12th March 2018 (26 points)
More 15mm pike and shot stuff for Pikeman's Lament. Twelve horse, one mounted officer.

12th March 2018 (11 points)
Eleven shotte for Pikeman's Lament

12th March 2018 (12 points)
light gun with 5 crew, a limber, two horses and a driver.

2nd April 2018 (48 points)
Inspired by a few days away in Paris my new painting output is naturally some French!
Two 15mm battalions of AWI French infantry, each of 24 figures, all by Peter Pig.

18th April 2018 (48 points)
All 15mm by Peter Pig.
Firstly another AWI French battalion (24 figs), and to go with them some real estate for them to fight over. In this case a resin American farm house and barn which will suit both my AWI and ACW armies.

22nd April 2018 (8 points)
Two sci-fi soldier types. Picked these up at a local antiques/flea market and they're for a sci-fi skirmish game (Kryomek) I've been roped into (and which actually turns out to be a rather good game!).

22nd April 2018 (12 points)
Some fantasy/sci-fi stuff in 28mm. Three orcs. I was playing around with different washes/paint effects and these were the result. Off to my d and d playing nephew or a new home via eBay!

22nd April 2018 (54 points)
More ECW/TYW 15mm stuff for my slowly growing Pikeman's Lament project. Six cavalry, six mounted dragoons, six foot dragoons and twenty four musketeers.

22nd April 2018 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Six X 15cm long pieces of hedgerow shown with some 1/72 bowmen (not part of my entry!) to show size.

22nd April 2018 (48 points)

22nd April 2018 (30 points)
A 15mm AWI British coehorn mortar battery. Nine men, three wagons and four horses.

3rd May 2018 (32 points)
More 15mm TYW/ECW pike and shot. 18 musketeers, 6 cavalry and a general.

3rd May 2018 (24 points)
I've been busy with the plaster and flock, the result is some terrain, namely a couple of hills (the 15mm Pz IV tanks are just for scale).

3rd May 2018 (24 points)
A dozen 1/72 medieval infantry for my Lion Rampant armies.

3rd May 2018 (2 points)
A 1/72 modern mercenary. One of the first figures I bought way back in 1982! Stripped off the old Humbrol paint and gave him a new uniform. He's on his own so I might need to buy him some mates, then some opposition.....I can feel a whole new army approaching!

11th May 2018 (24 points)
Two small hills based on old cd's

11th May 2018 (12 points)
Two 15mm Zvezda T34 tanks.

11th May 2018 (24 points)
Twelve 1/72 medieval archers

27th May 2018 (30 points)
A platoon of wintery late war German Volksgrenadiers, with a radio team. Thirty 15mm figs in total, mainly Battlefront with a few Peter Pigs.

27th May 2018 (8 points)
German fortifications using recycled tank turrets (Battlefront 15mm figs)

27th May 2018 (24 points)
Another pair of hills using recycled cd's thrown out by my mother in law!! (15mm figs to show size)

4th June 2018 (65 points)
More WW2 winter Germans, painted in one of the hottest weeks of the year. No doubt I'll be painting Afrika Korps in the winter!
There are two platoons each of 28 figs plus some support units of an MG42 and an 81mm mortar, with 9 crew figures. A grand total of 65 15mm figures all from Battlefront and Peter Pig as usual.

4th June 2018 (36 points)
Also completed this week are the final three hills based on old cd's (15mm Hanomag shown for size).

12th June 2018 (23 points)
Firstly a late war German platoon made up from spare figures from the lead pile and some redeployed figures, all rebased.

12th June 2018 (12 points)
A big hill.

12th June 2018 (11 points)
Winter war Germans 11 X 15mm Peter Pig and Battlefront figures and one 75mm infantry gun.

20th June 2018 (33 points)
Some Italian Wars/Renaissance bits and bobs to even out some units and replace some older redundant figures. Twelve Italian arquebusiers, three crossbowmen, six mounted crossbows and three mounted knights. All figures are as usual 15mm.

20th June 2018 (24 points)
The last elements of my Pikeman's Lament project, namely 12 pikemen, a small field gun with 5 crew and a two horse limber and driver. All figures are as usual 15mm.

6th July 2018 (60 points)
The long planned reorganisation of my 1/72 ACW armies has begun. Shown here 30 new Confederate infantry on Warbases 1p sabot bases.

6th July 2018 (2 points)
A lonely 1/72 ACW Union general, found in a box and painted and based and ready for the general staff.

6th July 2018 (48 points)
Next 3 hills made from the ubiquitous blue foam and MDF and a ruin made from a rock from the garden. 15mm Italian spearmen shown for scale.

6th July 2018 (24 points)
24 Italian Wars pike (15mm figures from Freikorps)

4th August 2018 (60 points)
30 1/72 plastic ACW figures. These have been repainted in part (rifles, bayonets, swords etc. The bits that bend!) then rebased with Warbases 1p sabot bases.

4th August 2018 (24 points)
24 15mm Hundred Years War French infantry types. Donnington New Era figures.

4th August 2018 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Some 15mm (ish) ruins made from MDF, rocks from the garden and blue craft foam. Shown with Donnington 15mm TYW for size comparison.

4th September 2018 (24 points)
24 x 15mm Confederates

4th September 2018 (24 points)
12 X 1/72 medieval pike

4th September 2018 (24 points)
2 small hills based on old DVD's

14th September 2018 (48 points)
1/72 medievals :
12 longbows
12 foot men at arms

14th September 2018 (36 points)
1/72 medievals:
6 mounted knights
6 foot knights

30th September 2018 (36 points)
36 x 15mm Seven Years War Prussian fusiliers by Lancashire Games (I realise there are no flags yet but I've run out and hand painting then is a nightmare!).

30th September 2018 (48 points)
12 X 28mm sci fi space infantry types for a game of Kryomek I played last week. True to form my newly painted troops died quickly and badly!

30th September 2018 (48 points)
12 X 1/72 mounted knights for my Lion Rampant armies

11th October 2018 (24 points)
(and next pic)
A 1/72 medieval house (from a cut out card model) with added bits and a back yard with fence (1/72 figures are to show the size and aren't part of my entry.)

11th October 2018 (18 points)
An ACW 15mm resin church from Peter Pig

11th October 2018 (5 points)
A command group of four people and a horse.

11th October 2018 (24 points)
Some more 15mm 18th Century stuff, this time from the Seven Years War. 12 x Minifigs Prussian dragoons.

11th October 2018 (24 points)
24 x AWI Hessians in 15mm by Peter Pig.

19th October 2018 (24 points)
Another house made from the Helion publishing paper soldiers series of books, with some 1/72 medieval types to show size.

19th October 2018 (24 points)
24 x 15mm Freikorps Prussian garrison regiment number 6 (I think!) This is the first unit of my new Seven Years War force...

19th October 2018 (28 points)
24 x 15mm Minifigs Seven Years War Prussian fusiliers with 4 x 15mm Lancashire Games Jaeger.

11th November 2018 (50 points)
Two Seven Years War Prussian battalions. One Frei battalion with 2 figure Jager base and one garrison battalion. Both battalions are 24 figures strong.
Total 50 x 15mm figures. Jaegers by Peter Pig, the rest by Freikorps figures.

2nd December 2018 (48 points)
Two 15mm Prussian battalions from the Seven Years War, both 24 figs strong, both made from Freikorps figures.

2nd December 2018 (24 points)
(and next pic)
Two hills (figures just for scale)

17th December 2018 (56 points)
(and next pic)
A 15 figure strong Dragoon regiment, and a 24 figure Frei infantry battalion accompanied by a couple of Jaeger. All figures by Freikorps 15's apart from the Jaeger who are from Essex and Peter Pig via my lead mountain.

29th December 2018 (20 points)
An assortment of 28mm odds and ends from the lead pile. Namely 4 medieval handgunners, 2 peasants and a bloke with a guitar (all Irregular Miniatures) .

29th December 2018 (4 points)

9th December 2018 (26 points)
My 15mm SYW Prussians get some artillery at last. In this case it's two cannon, two limbers, four horses, 8 gunners, 2 drivers and a mounted officer. (All Freikorps 15's)