4th February 2017 (138 points)
(and next three pics)
Off to a good start on the Burma 44 45 project:
3) 1/76 Milicast M3 Grants, 1) 1/72 Hasegawa Daimler Mk II a/c, 2) SHQ Te ke tankettes, 2) SHQ trailers for tankettes, 1) SHQ Japanese 47mm ATG, 6) SHQ Japanese 20mm crew for ATG, 6) SHQ 20mm Japanese grenadiers
And in 1/300
3) Scotia B25C converted to strafers

11th February 2017 (192 points)
For Burma 44-45 : 15 inches of cactus hedges and six 9X12 dried up rice paddies.
For fall or winter games: 12 inches of dead trees, hedges or general messed up looking foliage.

4th March 2017 (126 points)
Finished up some more 6mm stuff for Asia and Pacific WWII
6) Oscars
6) B24 D
3) B17E
6) B25J strafers
All Scotia models

6th April 2017 (68 points)
Finished up some 20mm Commonwealth troops for Burma 44 CoC.
Total of 34: 13 Lancashire and 21 SHQ British infantry.

7th May 2017 (148 points)
(and next two pics)
More painting for CoC in the East or Pacific:
Two Airfix 1/76 Chi-Ha tanks
One Precise 1/76 Ha Go
Forty-seven 1/72 Strelets Japanese in 'tropical uniforms'
Three Total Battlefield 1/285 buildings from their 100 Days line

14th May 2017 (56 points)
For Burma and SW Pacific in 20mm:
Ten armed natives from Lancashire and Ultima Ratio
Three-man British radio team from Lancashire (crap minis)
Fourteen converted Chindits from Ultima Ratio plastics
Total of twenty-seven 20mm minis

24th May 2017 (70 points)
Just got a few odd pieces done this week:
Two 20mm Big men for Aussies WWII,
Four 1/285 100 mm ATG with 20 crew men total
Five 1/285 Hungarian Nimrods
Eight 6mm trucks for East Front

4th June 2017 (144 points)
Got some more 20mm scenery done for Burma. More dried rice paddies and some low walls: four 9" X 11" fields with berms; eight 4" wall sections.

24th June 2017 (84 points)
(and next pic)
Some more 20mm Burma 44-45 stuff:
Two 1/76 Precise Type 97 Chi Ha Shinoto
One 1/76 Precise Type 1 Ho Ni SPG converted to a Type 2 (105mm)
One Burmese Temple converted from Aquarium pieceAbout 6X8 and 8 Inches high
One 1/72 Italerei stone bridge

24th June 2017 (45 points)
I managed to get some microarmor done this weekend, as I'm working on a Hungarian force for IABSM: five Turan; five Toldi; and five Zrinyi Spgs. All GHQ.

12th August 2017 (104 points)
Got the 6mm WWII Hungarians finished. 160 little guys altogether. I used the Baccus WWI late War Germans for most of them and a pack of GHQ Hungarian heavy weapons for the support teams.
And also from GHQ: five Hetzers and three Sdkfz 10 with 37mm AA.

3rd September 2017 (210 points)
Finished up some microarmour and some more dried rice paddies. In 1/285 from GHQ: 5 x StuG IIIG; 5 x StuG III c/d; 4 x Daimler trucks
And for SE Asia some extra rice paddies- enough to cover 450 sq inches. Amazing how many paddies needed to do the Burma 45 Pyawbwe mini campaign from Stephen Philp !

14th October 2017 (168 points)
I'm running a SP F&I War game which is the raid on Ft Ligionier in 1758, so I needed a few more items: 26 horses (so the Native Americans have something different to go after); 30 NC Militia; 13 Troupes de la Marine; 15 Canadian Milice.

14th October 2017 (48 points)
I put together and finished four Sarissa Far East mdf buildings (thanks for that tip). It's for a 20mm CoC but the 15mm stuff looks right for 20mm. They are small buildings in real life so just dandy for the bigger scale.

29th October 2017 (120 points)
In my quest to prove that you can never have enough trees for all occasions, I just made ten feet of road side trees for autumn 6mm games.
Planning on doing some more late war Hungary IABSM and wanted my roads lined with brownish red trees.
It's a sickness!

7th November 2017 (50 points)
I was not happy with the Highlanders I had for F&I so painted up some new ones: 24 x 15/18 mm Blue Moon Highlanders; 24 x tree trunks; 2 x 6-inch Fall trees.