5th January (12 points)
Two 15mm BEF tanks

5th January (48 points)
15mm BEF Highland Infantry platoon plus a 25pdr gun (42 figures and a gun)
8th January (34 points)
Thirty-two 15mm British Napoleonic infantry plus a mounted officer
11th January (47 points)
Three 15mm jump off points for my German Chain of Command and eight Shock markers for the Americans. It works out as 2 vehicles, 1 shed and 23 figures.
16th January (32 points)
Another battalion of 15mm British Napoleonic infantry: 30 foot plus one mounted officer
18th January (43 points)
15mm British Infantry Platoon (1944) with HMG & Sniper (43 figures)
18th January (12 points)
Two 15mm Cromwell tanks
18th January (18 points)
Two 15mm Katyusha rocket launchers with six crew
18th January (6 points)
A 15mm T-35 tank
24th January (36 points)
15mm early war German Panzer II, Panzer 38t, Stug IIIB and two Kfz15s. Five vehicles and six men

7th February (32 points)
Some 28mm zombies from the Zombicide game. Four "normal" zombies (2 walkers, 1 runner, 1 abomination) and four berserkers (2 walkers, 1 runner and 1 lardie/fatty).

7th February (67 points)
49 15mm ACW foot and three guns

7th February (40 points)
80 15mm ACW foot re-based (half points)

1st March (143 points)
143 15mm Confederate Infantry for the ACW
1st March (12 points)
Three 28mm figures for VBCW

1st March (32 points)
Eight 28mm Crusader Miniature's Velites
9th March (80 points)
A unit of twenty Crusader Miniatures 28mm Roman Hastati
9th March (32 points)
Thirty British Infantry and a mounted officer in 15mm.

23rd March (76 points)
Zulus: seventeen foot and one mounted. All 28mm.

31st March (80 points)
Ten 28mm Gripping Beast Horse Archers.

5th April (106 points)
Twenty-six 28mm Zulu War British figures from Black Tree and Empress Miniatures.
11th April (54 points)
Some more 28mm Zulu War British. A 7lb gun with 4 crew. A Mounted Artillery officer with bombardier on foot and 2 armed settlers. A total of 1 mounted, 7 foot and 1 gun.

9th May (36 points)
A pair of 28mm T-55s

9th May (36 points)
Nine 28mm Cold War Russians

9th May (12 points)
Three very slightly modified NATO jump off points in 28mm

9th May (33.5 points)
There are 4 jump off points: total is two vehicles, eight full and three half figures and two supply dumps. All 15mm.

9th May (24 points)
Four trucks in 15mm

17th May (12 points)
Three 25mm Jump Off Points, made up to be used by the Russians for Cold War Chain of Command. One has a modified Bolt Action Commissar on it, now holding an Ak-47 instead of an SMG. One is a TFL model, modified by removing the WW2 weapons and adding some AKs to it, the others are made with Baueda barrels and boxes.

17th May (32 points)
Some 15mm odds and ends: two Daimler armoured cars, two Dingos and 8 assorted 15mm figures.
24th May (32 points)
Eight zombies from the Zombicide game. All 28mm.

24th May (40 points)
Five 28mm survivors and five 'zombivores' also from Zombicide
24th May (40 points)
Ten 28mm female survivors also from Zombicide

5th June (72 points)
Six 15mm houses for Normandy from Peter Pig
20th June (72 points)
A pair of large 4Ground 28mm buildings for Rorke's Drift, the Barn and Hospital
26th June (32 points)
15mm Napoleonic British Foot, 30 foot and 1 mounted colonel
26th June (80 points)
Twenty 28mm Winter War Russians
3rd July (90 points)
Fifteen 1/600 Tumbling Dice Heinkel He111 bombers for Bag the Hun

5th July (54 points)
Nine 1/600 Junkers Ju-87 Stukas

12th July (90 points)
Rorke's Drift Defences: four walls, three mealie bags, two boxes and three boxes and mealie bags, each 6" long. Plus a rather nice fortified wagon (two buildings and a vehicle in 28mm)

31st July (68 points)
Finally got something painted. Seventeen more 28mm Zombicide zombies, 10 walkers, 4 runners, 2 fatties and 1 abomination. Some are "Toxic" versions, hence the green skin.

31st July (72 points)
More Battle of Britain planes: twelve Tumbling Dice 1/600th Bf110 fighters.

4th October (32 points)
30 foot and 1 mounted 15mm Napoleonic British Infantry
4th October (26 points)
24 foot and 1 mounted 15mm Napoleonic RHA gun crew

4th October (44 points)
11 Wargames Foundry SWAT figures 25mm
4th October (28 points)
7 Dead Mans Hand Outlaws 25mm
4th October (28 points)
7 Dead Mans Hand Pinkertons 25mm

25th October (36 points)
15mm ANZAC platoon for CDS (36 figures) using Battlefront figures

25th October (228 points)
28mm US Infantry Platoon (57 figures) using original Bolt Action figures
1st November (59 points)
15mm 1940 German Platoon, 59 figures
1st November (15 points)
15mm 1940 BEF Highlanders and MG team, 15 figures
31st December (55 points)
15mm SYW Austrian Infantry, 53 foot and 1 mounted
31st December (30 points)
15mm WW2 British, 2pdr and crew, 3 bren carriers and a jump off point.

28th December (15 points)
Thirty one 10mm Pendraken Gauls

28th December (40 points)
Ten 28mm GW Dwarf Thunderers

28th December (40 points)
Ten 28mm GW Dwarf Warriors

28th December (4 points)
One big 28mm Reaper Earth Elemental

28th December (12 points)
Three 28mm Reaper Werewolves