26th April 2017 (112 points)
8 mounted and 6 dismounted cavalry, plus 6 skirmishers
24th June 2017 (96 points)
24 African tribal skirmishers (28mm)
24th June 2017 (96 points)
24 Pygmies (28mm)
24th June 2017 (108 points)
24 African tribal warriors and 3 bearers (28mm)
24th June 2017 (32 points)
8 dead tribal warriors (28mm) to be used as disorder markers
26th April 2017 (32 points)
3 mounted officers, 1 foot officer and 1 standard bearer
26th April 2017 (104 points)
26 Zouaves, painted as 140th New York Volunteer Infantry

7th May 2017 (72 points)
More ACW: 3 mounted officers, 6 foot officers, 3 standard bearers, a drummer and 2 physics (one for the Yanks too)

7th May 2017 (88 points)
8 mounted and 6 dismounted Cavalry

7th May 2017 (120 points)
Another 30 Confederate infantry

7th May 2017 (120 points)
Another 30 Confederate infantry

14th May 2017 (36 points)
25mm ACW House

14th May 2017 (36 points)
Two 28mm ACW Reb guns with crew

14th May 2017 (36 points)
Two 28mm ACW Union guns with crew

14th May 2017 (24 points)
15mm Church and graves
14th May 2017 (24 points)
Two 15mm Sheds/Barns

5th July 2017 (180 points)
Cold War Soviets: nine T-80s by QRF; five BMP-1s by Battlefront; five BMP-2s by Battlefront; three T-72s and three BTR-80s by Zvezda; and five T-55s by Plastic Soldier Company. All told it's 30 vehicles.
15th July 2017 (60 points)
15mm Cold War West German Platoon: 4 M113G, 1 M577, 27 full and 6 half figures

25th July 2017 (42 points)
Some Cold War Soviet Support elements, 42 figures

25th July 2017 (72 points)
A Cold War Soviet Rifle Company, 72 figures

25th July 2017 (76 points)
A Cold War Dutch Mechanised Platoon with Leopard 1's in support, 7 vehicles, 33 full and 2 half figures

1st August 2017 (41.5 points)
15mm BAOR Chieftains and support, 5 vehicles and 11 and a half figures

1st August 2017 (52.5 points)
15mm BAOR Mechanised Infantry Platoon with 4 Fv432s and 28 and a half figures

18th August 2017 (24 points)
A few more 15mm Cold War odds and ends:
15mm YPR-765 PRAT conversion
15mm Fv432 plus spotters
15mm M577 ambulance plus medics/casualties
All together its 3 vehicles, 5 full and 2 1/2 figures

18th August 2017 (18 points)
A converted 28mm Bolt Action 3.7cm PaK 36 auf Selbstfahrlafette Bren(e) (or a Bren with a Pak 36 on it) with 4 chopped about crew figures.

18th August 2017 (120 points)
A 28mmBolt Action Blitzkreig German Platoon of 30 figures

18th August 2017 (40 points)
A 28mm converted Winter German squad of 10 figures using Russian greatcoat bodies

12th September 2017 (36 points)
28mm WW2 British, Humber 4x4 Car and Bedford OYD truck

12th September 2017 (12 points)
28mm German WW2 5cm Granatwerfer from Warlord Games

12th September 2017 (30 points)
28mm WW2 German 7.5cm le.IG with 3 crew and 3 extras

12th September 2017 (36 points)
28mm WW2 German Engineers, 9 figures

12th September 2017 (12 points)
28mm WW2 German High Command, 3 figures

12th September 2017 (28 points)
28mm WW2 German tripod MG34 with 5 crew plus 2 commanders

12th September 2017 (30 points)
28mm WW2 German 3.7cm PaK36 with 3 crew and 3 extras

12th September 2017 (40 points)
28mm WW2 German Squad, 10 figures

12th September 2017 (18 points)
28mm WW2 Matilda 2

12th September 2017 (20 points)
28mm Inter-War Militia Vickers with 3 crew and Boys ATR team

12th September 2017 (36 points)
28mm WW2 German Panzer II and Sdkfz222

12th September 2017 (18 points)
28mm WW2 Smith Gun with 3 crew