11th January 2020 (8 points)
Bonus Samurai from Grey for Now Games / Test of Honour, 28mm metal, 2 figures.

11th January 2020 (16 points)
Classic Samurai figures from Bac Ninh Miniatures. They call them Tatoichi, Yojiro and Lone Dog and Cub. 28mm metal, 4 figures.

11th January 2020 (32 points)
"Unlikely Allies" set from Grey for Now Games / Test of Honour, 28mm metal, 8 figures.

17th January 2020 (36 points)
Onna-Bugeisha, 28mm metal from Bad Squiddo

17th January 2020 (36 points)
Sharpe's Rifles, 28mm metal character figures from Brigade Games, USA

23rd January 2020 (80 points)
Napoleonic Royal Naval sailors. 28mm metal figures from Brigade Games, USA - 20 figures.

23rd January 2020 (16 points)
Napoleonic Royal Naval command group. 28mm metal. Captains from Brigade Games, USA, Royal Marine officer and drummer from Britannia Miniatures. 4 figures.

23rd January 2020 (4 points)
A Napoleonic period British colour bearer. 28mm metal figure. Possibly a wargame show bonus figure, don't remember.

23rd January 2020 (4 points)
HG Wells, the guy who's book first got me into wargaming. 28mm metal figure by Alan Perry. One of the figures included in the "Miniature Wargaming, The Movie" boxed set.

31st January 2020 (8 points)
A Stone Giant from Conquest Games

31st January 2020 (44 points)
Lord Curr's Company. 28mm Metal, North Star for In Her Majesties Name. 11 figures.

31st January 2020 (40 points)
The Black Dragon Tong. 28mm Metal, North Star for In Her Majesties Name. 10 figures.

23rd February 2020 (36 points)
A Japanese wayside shrine. 28mm MDF from Blotz.

23rd February 2020 (468 points)
28mm MDF Venetian buildings and bridges from TT Combat. 11 buildings and 5 bridges.

9th March 2020 (44 points)
(and next pic)
In October last year I went on the Geek Nations Samurai Tour. The highlight of the trip was attending the Sekigahara anniversary festival.
A number of the group hired Samurai costumes and joined the parade. I was inspired by a Perry seated figure to model the group. All but two of the figures are made from the Warlord Games Samurai plastic figures with some fairly basic modifications. In the group photo (also attached), one of the group was holding up a Hikone Castle mascot figure so I modelled that, rather larger. It's the creature with yellow horns near the centre.
There are a number of compromises and I made no attempt to model faces, but I tried to match the basic costume and colour schemes.
The seated figure is Dr Stephen Turnbull, as Ishida Mitsunari.
11 No. 28mm Samurai figures. Seated figure and Lord Honda (with antlers) Perry metal, rest are Warlord plastic with some modifications.

10th April 2020 (20 points)
Assassins from Foundry - 28mm metal

10th April 2020 (12 points)
Fossil hunters and various fossils from Copplestone Castings - 28mm metal.

10th April 2020 (40 points)
Ghosts from Midlam Miniatures - 28mm metal.

10th April 2020 (20 points)
Resurrectionists (grave robbers) from Foundry - 28mm metal

10th April 2020 (20 points)
Rippers from Foundry - 28mm metal.

10th April 2020 (12 points)
3 No. Camp Follower Girls, Elite Wargames and Models. Sold for Napoleonic, could fit many periods - 28mm metal.

23rd June 2020 (36 points)
AWI Militia Cavalry - Perry metal 28mm - 9 No. I had one group of these for Sharp Practice but read that single groups of cavalry were a bit soft.

23rd June 2020 (36 points)
Sengoku Period Japanese - 28mm from Warlord Games - 9 No. These are the figures now included in the Warlords of Erehwon, Bandits & Brigands, Onna-bugeisha and Sohei Monks boxes that weren't in the equivalent Test of Honour sets.

23rd June 2020 (4 points)
Admiral Sir Sidney Smith - Giants in Miniature range from Wargames Illustrated - 28mm metal.