6th January (6 points)
Z-95 Headhunter repaint as being that of Scum pilot N'dru Suhlak

6th January (18 points)
Another Y-TIE and a TYE-Wing ('funnies')

6th January (60 points)
Pair of Gozanti-Class Assault Carriers. Replacement panels painted for variety, along with engines, cockpit repainted and glossed, docking clamps modified to accept ring magnets for ball bearing mounted TIE fighters etc

12th January (24 points)
(and next three pics)
L to R: M3-A Interceptor (Serissu), Z-95 Headhunter (Kaa'to Leeachos) , Y-Wing (Kavil) & M3-A Interseptor (Tansarii Point Veteran)

17th January (12 points)
Another couple of X-Wing (cut and shunt) 'Uglies'.

24th January (6 points)
Sold as a kids toy, Micro Machine Fleet Action Consular-class Cruiser, Radiant VII.
I picked it up cheap on E-bay. Its actually the wrong scale entirely being about half as big as it should be. It's the ship that Qui-Gon Jinn uses in Episode I. I repainted it from its original rose pink colour and then bunged it on a Lambda Shuttle base. I've made a pilot card, use the Lambda Shuttle dial and can't wait to try it out. Its pretty crap but it gives the Scum & Villany something to defend against Imperial Customs.

28th January (6 points)
Laetin A'Shera's M3-A Scyk Interceptor

28th January (12 points)
Two of Kath Scarlet's Binayre Pirates

31st January (6 points)
Another X-Wing repaint for you: Kath Scarlet's (Binayre Pirate) Firespray-31

3rd February (12 points)
Repainted a couple of Kihraxz Starfighters as Black Sun Ace & Talonbane Cobra of the Black Sun Crime Syndicate.

3rd February (24 points)
I bought another three Micro Machines Babylon 5/Star Trek shuttles dirt cheap on Ebay to use as Escape Pods and Shuttles for X-Wing. Total repaint. I also picked up a Babylon 5 Space Station which can be used as a Satellite for X-Wing.

3rd February (6 points)
Shuttle. Actually a Micro Machines Babylon 5 ship repainted to fit in with my X-Wing stuff. Looking at the design of it, it is reminiscent of the GR-75 Rebel Transport.....but a whole lot smaller obviously.

3rd February (6 points)
Bandai Base Jumper 1/144th scale, converted and painted up for X-Wing as an Imperial Tibanna Gas Transporter.
This is supposed to be some sort of transport for a big Robot thing. A guy on one of the X-Wing forums put me onto it after I saw how he converted it and decided I'd do the same. Essentially the tanks were moved to the top of the ship and a few pipes and stuff scratchbuilt and added. I bought a Huge Ship base off Ebay, made a base card et voila.

3rd February (6 points)
TIE Phantom (Painted de-cloaking)

12th February (6 points)
Micromachines Fleet Action 1/350 Consular-class Cruiser, Radiant VII.
This is the original version of the one I repainted a couple of weeks back as a Scum transport. Decided to ink wash this one, add various highlights and shadings, make a new stand etc. Now serves as the Senator's Shuttle for Mission 1 of the first starter set.

12th February (6 points)
TIE Phantom (Cloaking)

12th February (12 points)
Asteroids from Spartan Games

12th February (36 points)
Combat Zone Scenery Container set for X-Wing

12th February (6 points)
Scum and Villany Faction Gozanti-Class Cruiser

18th February (6 points)
Just finished a repainted Firespray-31 for X-Wing for Emon Azzameen. Azzameen's 'Andrasta' featured a small naked Twi'lek dancing girl as his motif. Bugger to get right but I did a fair old job!

18th February (30 points)
Repainted five StarVipers to a greater or lesser degree...

30th March 2016 (6 points)
Poe Dameron's T-70 from Force Awakens for X-Wing

30th March 2016 (12 points)
Two Scum Y-Wing Hired Guns for X-Wing

5th April 2016 (6 points)
A G1-A Starfighter decloaking for X-Wing

28th April 2016 (10 points)
Foot Markers for ECW games

28th April 2016 (17 points)
Foot Markers for ECW games

28th April 2016 (10 points)
Mounted Markers for ECW games

28th April 2016 (6 points)
Two ECW Preachers and an Impromptu Prayer meeting.

28th April 2016 (6 points)
Royalist General, Matchlock Miniatures. He has a Spaniel under his arm which I painted as my old deceased Cavalier King Charles 'Alfie'.

28th April 2016 (54 points)
27 ECW cavalry

3rd May 2016 (18 points)
15mm Parliamentary Dragoons for Baroque.
12 Foot, 3 Mounted. All Peter Pig.

7th May 2016 (6 points)
More new ECW for my personal Baroque collection: two mounted and two foot markers

7th May 2016 (31 points)
Parliamentarian Church and Ill equipped foot.

5th June 2016 (15 points)
Royalist Dragoons; 3 Mtd, 9 Foot. All 15mm Peter Pig.

5th June 2016 (14 points)
(and next pic)
More markers for Baroque ECW. 14 x 15mm Foot

15th June 2016 (5 points)
New 15mm stuff for 'Baroque'. ECW Markers: 5 Foot markers.

5th June 2016 (26 points)
New 15mm stuff for 'Baroque'. ECW Markers: 13 Mounted markers.

2nd July 2016 (6 points)
More new varied ECW stuff for my own collection. Two more mounted and two more foot markers.

2nd July 2016 (10 points)
Dead Commander markers for Baroque: 1 mounted, 8 foot.

2nd July 2016 (6 points)
Two artillery swinging mantlets plus Peter Pig's new Stone Cross.

2nd July 2016 (4 points)
Prostitutes marker for Baroque Royalists - Pimp and three ladies of the night.

12th July 2016 (24 points)
24 musketeers for Baroque using Peter Pig's new marching musketeers pack
14th August 2016 (30 points)
30 inf - Col. John Owen's Regiment (Royalist).
14th August 2016 (30 points)
30 inf. Sir Alan Apsley's Regiment (Royalist).
14th August 2016 (42 points)
40 inf, 1 Mtd. Sir Thomas Tydesley's Regiment (Royalist).
14th August 2016 (13 points)
11 inf, 1 Mtd - Col. Weldon's (Parl) Regiment of Foot, Pike element.

14th August 2016 (13 points)
13 inf - Red Regiment, London Trained Bands (Parl), Pike element.
23rd August 2016 (91 points)
(and next four pics)
Attached pics of more 15mm stuff for ECW. Camps for Baroque.
Figures are mostly by Matchlock Miniatures (available from Caliver Books), wagons and fences from Museum Miniatures, various clutter from Hallmark (available from Magister Militum). Tents (Western European Style) by Fire and Sword Miniatures.
18 figures, 1 bear, 6 dogs, 5 wagons, 4 tents, 8 x 5cm sections of wattle fence.
23rd August 2016 (32 points)
(and next two pics)
30 foot figures and 1 mounted, suitable for ECW Parliamentarian Militia or 'Clubmen'
23rd August 2016 (35 points)
35 figures of Lord Fernando Fairfax's Regiment of Foot
23rd August 2016 (8 points)
8 figures Royalist commanded shot, Col. Richard Bolle's Regt.
3rd September 2016 (7 points)
15mm ECW: Prince Rupert
3rd September 2016 (43 points)
15mm ECW: Col. Thomas Lunsford's/later Prince Rupert's Regt of Foot.
3rd September 2016 (8 points)
15mm ECW: Sir Allan Apsley's Commanded Shot element
3rd September 2016 (35 points)
15mm ECW: Marquis of Hertford/Bernard Astley's Regt of Foot

6th November 2016 (35 points)
32 Foot, 1 Mtd, 1 dog - Peter Pig Church Militia/Ill Equipped Foot

6th November 2016 (33 points)
31 Foot, 1 Mtd - Peter Pig Church Militia/Ill Equipped Foot

6th November 2016 (44 points)
Eleven Crusader EIR Legionaries (28mm)

6th November 2016 (32 points)
Eight Foundry EIR Legionaries (28mm)

6th November 2016 (36 points)
Scratch built bridge for the arena, Steve Barber Bull, Magister Militum Gallus, Murmillo and Victim, all in 28mm

6th November 2016 (16 points)
Four Foundry Roman Civilians painted as Statues for my arena columns

6th November 2016 (52 points)
Thirteen Foundry Noxii (Arena Criminals and Prisoners due for execution)

6th November 2016 (24 points)
Six Foundry Western EIR Auxilia Archers

6th November 2016 (100 points)
25 Foundry/Crusader Gladiators in 28mm

6th November 2016 (44 points)
Eleven Foundry gladiators in 28mm

6th November 2016 (24 points)
Four Crusader Eqques (2 Mtd, 2 foot)

6th November 2016 (24 points)
Six Foundry Lions in 28mm