10th February 2018 (180 points)
(and next pic)
The retinue of Sir John Davenport ready to invade France with Edward IV in 1475 – 28mm Perry Plastic, custom flag by Iain at Flags of War, 45 figures – 180 points.

10th February 2018 (24 points)

10th February 2018 (192 points)
Two more battalions for the forces of the Crown, law and order – the 49th (Hertfordshire) and the defenders of the Chew House at Germantown, the 40th Foot (S. Lancashire). 28mm Perry Plastic, GMB colours, 48 figures – 192 points.

10th February 2018 (72 points)
RLI for a B’Maso project. 28mm Eureka, 18 figures

10th February 2018 (152 points)
Generic Second World Soviet supplied troops suitable for Fighting Season and B’Maso. 28mm Mongrel, 38 figures.

10th February 2018 (252 points)
(and next pic)
A few 4Ground buildings: two medieval and five log cabins with their roofs redone with 4Ground shingles. 4Ground, 7 buildings.

10th February 2018 (24 points)

11th April 2018 (36 points)
A couple of Warlord 28mm German vehicles: a Stug III ausf G and a SdKfz 234/2 Puma.
They are resin models rather than plastic, which brings its own challenges, but they are nice enough models and will work very nicely in Chain of Command and What a Tanker!

18th April 2018 (36 points)
Some 28mm vehicles over the weekend: a Hanomag and a Panzer IV. The Panzer IV is a JTFM/Die Waffenkammer model and absolutely lovely, if a little fiddly. Not sure I got the dunkelgelb right on this one so it might need a re-do.

18th April 2018 (54 points)
Some 28mm vehicles: a couple of Stuarts, and a Dingo. All are pre-Warlord Bolt Action models that I have had for years in a state of partial completion.

24th August 2018 (108 points)
Some Team Yankee stuff that has been sitting around. Eighteen 15mm Cold War British vehicles.

4th September 2018 (24 points)
Lynx helicopters in 15mm fro my Cold War Brits

14th September 2018 (848 points)
The daftest wargames thing that I ever did was rebase my ECW collection for the third (!) time. Desperation at never quite finding THE rules has made me do some stupid things over the years and this was occasioned by the publication some years ago of Nigel Marsh’s computer ECW rules some years ago. After un-basing everything in a fit of enthusiasm at the time, these have languished for years but I have finally extracted my digit and started getting them finished.

14th September 2018 (78 points)
Some more Cold War stuff – a company each of T72s and BMP1s plus three stray T55s– all Old Glory/Skytrex for the Lardy set that is projected or Sabre Squadron.