Painting Challenge: Early February Update

Time for our first update in February, and a bumper crop it is too.

First up is Carole, with a selection of 28mm fantasy pieces:

Then we have Mr Burt first two entries of the year. A new project: Agincourt.

Mr Cooper has also sent in his first batch of minis for 2025: his usual mixture of fantasy figures, some of which are shown below.

Now I know you’re all thinking that Mr Helliwell hasn’t had time to paint any more figures…but he has! Another big batch of medievals, Napoleonics and more:

Sapper joins Messrs Cooper and Burt on the “first entry of the year podium”: Napoleonics and Vikings.

And finally here are some more Vikings, this time ;painted by Mervyn. Never dispose of those extra sprues: you’re bound to need them one day!

That’s all for now, but keep them coming!

PS new entrants to the Challenge still very welcome…