Arab Conquest: the Jund Cavalry

Regualr visitors will know that my project for the new year is a 15mm Arab Conquest army based for To The Strongest.

I’m using the excellent Red Copper Miniatures 3D sculpts printed for me by Baueda, who I have found to be excellent quality, fairly priced, and with a single fee for postage and packing that works out to be very cost-effective provided you order in bulk).

Already painted were the Warriors that form the bulk of the army, the next task was the next big chunk of figures: the Jund cavalry.

Again I wanted to be able to use the figures for both a 15mm grid (what I usually play on) and a 10mm grid (the size used for the one 15mm TTS competition), so settled on using the 7.5mm bases for For King & Parliament available from the BigRedBat shop and designed to slot together to allow different combinations of pike and shot battalia to be put together.

I painted the Red Copper figures in individual colour schemes: which took a long time and was very annoying: no ‘paint the same uniform 100 times’ fugue state possible!

This gave the impression of random figures, but I then tried to group them by colour to make the individual bases easier to identify. This didn’t work as well for the cavalry as for the infantry, but I was happy enough with the result.

Here are the individual units:

Overall, I’m very happy with these. The sculpts are gorgeous, they seem pretty hard-wearing, and I think the paint jobs and bases that I’ve managed are definitely a little above basic wargames standard.

Now on to all the other bits and pieces you need to get an army actually onto the tabletop!