Warfare 2024

Off to Newbury racecourse for the annual Warfare show there. A great day out that started with an unlimited breakfast at the nearby Toby!

Parking is free and a short walk from the grandstand where the event takes place. The entrance fee for Warfare is only £5, which makes it a real bargain compared to some of the other shows that I have been to recently.

Highlight of the show was seeing Simon Miller’s new War of the Spanish Succession version of To The Strongest/For King & Parliament in playtest:

These seem like a must-have once they are out, and will presumably give me an excuse to buy loads more little soldiers as I haven’t got any early 18C figures yet. Tricornes ahoy!

Bumped into loads of people I know and/or haven’t seen for some time: Warfare is a very relaxed occasion, so very good for that sort of thing.

Wandering around, there were some very nice games on show. Plenty of big battles involving loads of figures (which I did photograph) and a selection of mini-games and boardgames (which I did not!).

Note that the last four pictures are of the same game.

The shopping opportunities were, as usual, very good. I picked up some much-needed basing material and could have a root around all the 28mm Ancients plastics as I attempt to choose next year’s competition army.

Warfare is firmly on the list of shows to visit again next year: recommended.