Here we go again. Ten days after the 23 Panzer Division tries to take Point 213.9, the 3 SS Panzer Division is tasked with the same assault. In the meantime, the Russians have had a chance to build up their defenses in anticipation of this attack.
The Germans have a company of three grenadier platoons, with three attached MMGs, and two infantry guns. There is also a pioneer platoon onhand. The armor consists of one platoon of Tiger Is and two platoons of Pz IVGs. Artillery available could be a 105, 150 and medium mortar battery.
The Russians have a dug in infantry company of three platoons, with four MMGs, eight ATRs, eight 45mm ATGs and a medium and heavy mortar battery. They also have several minefields (a last minute 'bonus' minefield would claim two Pz IVs). There are also nine dug in T34s on board along with five 76mm guns. Offboard on both flanks are several 76mm guns that can add their fire to the table.
Air support is possible for both sides: Ju87s and Il-2s.
The table already shows the signs of previous battles: derelict tanks and plenty of shell holes and destroyed sunflower fields.
Rules used were I Ain't Been Shot, Mum from TooFatLardies. We had some first time users: my friend Rick and his teenage sons, Stephen and Peter were up from Florida for a long weekend. A good time all around.
![An impressive start](
![Moving closer](
![Blasting at point blank range](
![Preparing to go into the field](
![Taking hits and looking for the grenadiers](
![Surprise tank assault](
![View from the Soviet dugouts](
![Russian counterattack](
![Nasty surprise](
![T-34s halt to shell the Grenadiers](
![The Grenadiers finally arrive](
![Putting the Grenadiers up front](
![Pinned on the slope](
![Stukas see some T-34s](
![Mortar fire](
![Waiting for the Grenadiers to take the lead](
![And now some Soviet air support](
![Slow advance](
![Clearing the road](
![Bigger guns on the second line](
![Looking lonely out here](
![Clearing out the ATGs the hard way](
![AT fire from across the road](
![Nice target](
![Where did the Russkies go?](
![Advancing or getting exposed to flank shots?](