A 6mm IABSM game played at Gigabites Cafe in Feb 2010, based on the attack by 3rd Monmouths to clear a bridgehead on the Maas R on Nov 30ty 1944.
The German defenders were part of 6 Kompanie II Fallschirmjaeger Rgt 20 (I have no 6mm FJ, so used my camo'ed Germans).
The British force consisted of a company of infantry (with 2-inch mortars and PIATS), four sections of pioneers, three Sherman Crabs. A troop of Cromwells from C Sqd 15/19th Hussars were to lend fire support along with two Vickers MMGs and a battery of 25 pdrs. The Cromwells could not move out into the open until they felt all direct fire ATGs were silenced.
The defenders had a platoon with extra LMGs and plenty of Panzerfausts and one Panzerschrek team and one MMG. There were also 82mm and 120mm mortars on call. A PaK 40 and a FlaK 38 20mm AAA were also on the table. They also had some help from 88s across the river (off board: on the German Blind card we rolled a D4 and subtracted two to see how many shots the 88 got). The defenders also had a 12" belt of mines and 18" of barbed wire.
It was going to be a tough assault for the Monmouths htrough the mines, wire and HE.