Vis Lardica

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The latest remote viewing and text game was from the IABSM rule book. Scenario 4, A Canadian VC. This game is based on the August 19, 1944 Canadian advance into St Lambert where the Allies are trying to plug the Falaise Gap.

Normandy games look nice but with terrain like this you really have to send a lot of pics to convey the tight confines of views available. I did adjust the basic map a bit to add more buildings and some walls. Really one of the best scenarios I've played/run. We had four players scattered around Atlanta area and in Florida.

We called it at this point. Smoke was covering the crossroads so the Canadians could move up to close assault the defenders who were suffering from HE fire.

Final tally was 2 German sections down to 1 action only and the 3rd zug had taken 4 casualties (out of 13). The 1st zug was wiped out. 1 Pz IV and a Panther KO'ed. The leaderless Tiger had damage to its gunsights.

The Canadians lost Maj Currie and 2 M4s and his Firefly. Lt Armour was down and his platoon lost 10 of 28. Mitchell's pla was down 11 of 28. The 2nd troop had taken 1 hit to a M4's track only.

This is one of the best scenarios I've run and could've gone either way.

Mark Luther