Fun outdoor WW2 Skirmish Game recreating the attack of Herman Goering Panzer Division on the 82nd Airborne and 1st US Infantry (Big Red One) on July 11, 1943 in Sicily.
Based upon Scenario #6 Piano Lupo 3 from the Sicilian Weekend IABSM Scenario book but using map and some unit suggestions from Belly of the Tiger scenario in Skirmish Elite, Combat Jump Sicily book.
Excellent turnout with both experienced and new players. Germans were commanded by Brett McLay, Steve Emerson and Jon Fry while Americans were commanded by Steve Smith, Dave Goodwin and Elroy Davis and yours truly as host.
Game played fairly true to history with American naval artillery as the key decisive stroke to break up the attack of the panzers along with some "great shooting, Tex" by the crews of the 57mm AT guns.
Dan Albrecht