Vis Lardica

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Can't give away the details, as folks may well be playing this in a couple of weekends time. but suffice it to say I got the halftracks finished (without damaging that blasted bedstead aerial) as well as the Fiesler Storch objective marker and a British jeep.

Things you never think to ask when assembling a jeep - were WW2 British jeeps right-hand-drive? Turns out the answer is no, but I'd stupidly put a driver with a wheel in both front seats, so I had to over paint one with quite thick white so he looked like he was holding papers.

Anyway. Picture gallery without commentary for now. Other than to note that that's one of the best by-the-drill-manual uses of the British 2" mortar firing smoke I think I've seen on an IABSM table.

Mike Whitaker