Vis Lardica

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Fellow Lardy Desmondo Darkin travelled abroad to play an impressive game of IABSM put on by Paul Spence.

The action represented the assault on Sword Beach on D-Day and, I think you’ll agree, looks amazing.

SWORD Beach..... East Yorkshire and 13/18th Hussars approach the beach.

The landing

We are ashore! Lost DD tanks on the way in but we have cleared a lane for the Funnies to move to the seawall. Andy has destroyed the bunkers in WN20. The Germans are about to open up with small arms.

Off the beach at last. Infantry pouring off in the follow up waves and heading for the streets of Ouistreham. Andy is further behind but destroyed the opposition in WN 20.

The East Yorkshire Regiment drive into the town. No.4 Commandos were sacrificed to keep the Germans from concentrating fire on my exit. Andy has no opposition, all Green Fields and Beyond for his boys!

Game by Paul Spence

Photos from Desmondo Darkin & Paul Spence