Khurasan's Vornids, or ambulatory, thorn-gun wielding plants, are the latest release from this highly innovative miniatures company. Designed for 15mm sci-fi gaming, these models would do equally well on the 28mm battlefield, standing around 20-25mm high from roots to perception pod.
There are three packs at the moment. A squad of eight troopers; a heavy weapons pack of four 'bulb gun' gunners; and a command pack of two sub-leaders and one leader. I'm hoping Jon will produce some more for the range (I'm sure that will depend on sales, so buy at least a platoon's worth immediately!) but in the meantime I'm going to support my platoon (three more squads on the painting table) with some of Khurasan's fungi men manning a couple of GZG's sci-fi anti-tank guns (see picture below).
As with most Khurasan models, they paint up beautifully: white undercoat, dark green base coat highlighted with a medium then a very light green. Thorn guns are dark brown highlighted with light brown then bone colour. Flowers, for this squad (each squad will have a different flower colour), are dark blue highlighted with sky blue then white. The bases on the models themselves are big enough not to need a separate base, so are just painted brown, to show off the roots, then flocked.
PS These pictures don't do the models justice. As I sit looking at my finished squad, I am desperate to get enough painted to get them on the table and into action!