The Battle for Mount Ormel, Falaise Pocket, August 20, 1944
An epic game played outdoors this past Saturday on an unexpectedly warm November day here in Vermont. Outdoors on my patio, super safe from COVID!
In my backyard in South Burlington, Vermont. Brett McLay helped me command the Germans while Steve Smith and Mason Roberson commanded the Poles.
Available through
Scenario from Falaise Firestorm by Skirmish Campaigns. Translated to three platoons of 2nd SS Panzergrenadiers plus two PzIV-Hs and one panther vs two platoons of Polish Infantry plus HQ squad, PIAT team and one 6-pounder, two Sherman M4s and one Sherman firefly. Germans had to exit at least figures or tanks off the board for victory.
The Game
On German left, two platoons attacked hard on their left flank and after taking some hits were able to gain the woods and drive off one platoon of Poles. In German center, one Pz IV was brewed up and the other tried to flee after its main gun was knocked out. German Panther on right able to draw attention of two M4s while 3rd full platoon (on Blind most of game) was able to exit the board.
On account of darkness we called the game and on the last turn, on the draw of the Tea Break card we resolved simultaneous tank duel. A sherman and PIAT team engaged the Panther but his thick armor was able to shrug off the hits. On the last roll of the game the Panther brewed up the Sherman. Great game!
Love the detail in the Skirmish Campaigns books. I highly recommend them. See photos for detailed AAR.
Dan Albrecht