Hosted by Vermont Historical Gamers Group. Walking in a Winter Wonderland from the 2005 Summer Special.

The calm before the storm.
Fields are muddy but there is still snow in the woods. Americans held the left while Germans entered from right. Great scenario.

Pre-game stonk.
Blast markers and fire ball by Bud's Blast Markers.

Hitlerjugend charge through the mud.
Near miss by American 81mm mortars.

Close combat drives back an American platoon.

More Panzer grenadiers rush the woods.
105mm battery on reinforcement card by Americans shatters a squad.

Long range fire by four MG 42s decimated any american troops that exited the woods.

Two M-10s arrive on a reinforcement card.

German LiG 75mm short guns set the farmhouse ablaze forcing the American FO and sniper to evacuate.

An American 57mm comes off the Blind and takes out a StuG..

One M-10 takes on the Panzerschreck crews while another faces off against the StuGs.

It took a turn or two for the American 81mm mortars to get going again after their FO had to redeploy but then they pinned the Panzerschreck teams

An M-10 brews up the Sturmhaubitze 42 in the center.
Still a German tactical victory as they only lost about 1/3rd of infantry, seized the road network and except for losing one StuG and one StuH42 still have all their 15+ halftracks intact.

A StuG brews up an M-10.

German infantry swarm the American right flank.

Love these LED glowing fires by Bud's blast markers.

Americans took out two of the three assault guns but lost over 50% of their infantry and decided to vacate.
Dan Albrecht