Played a 1940 using the IABCYM rules from the recent TFL Magazine (I Ain’t Been CoC’d Yet Mum: a variant of I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum that uses the dice-based system from Chain of Command for activation rather than cards or chips). Philip Andrews and Iain Fuller battled out a scenario I put together based on the “Arkforce” that was left to defend a perimeter near Le Havre, in June 1940.
The Germans had a standard infantry company and two Panzer zugs ( Mark II and Mark I’s); the British had an infantry company, two understrength AT platoons ( two 2pdrs and two 25mm AT), a troop of Vickers tanks, and a Vickers MMG platoon, but these were spread thin across two lines of defence trying to keep the main escape route open.
The British had a tough job on their hands.
Both sides had variable reinforcements, and each time a “Mums” dice was accumulated a reinforcement could be rolled for.
The table was 10ft by 6ft and the action was non-stop and by the end of 3.5 hours of fighting the Germans managed to get almost to the main road and cut the last route to safety.
The rules worked well and it was good to try them out on a 1940 scenario rather than the 1944 Normandy. The light armour of all the tanks was frightening for those of us used to Panzer IV or Panthers!
Philip Andrews comments:
Iain Fuller and Philip Andrews contemplate Phil’s appalling die rolling😂
It was a hoot even as the Brits. There was some scoffing at my front line being two platoon ‘bastions’ in densest terrain flanked by the light armour of the Hussars (if it was good enough for Wellington...) with 2pdrs and MMG in deep defence and long fields of fire. My dice rolling was, er., well below the bell curve , but I managed a local infantry counter attack (also to spread out my platoon when the artillery ranging started on my position!) and I killed a lot his Big Men, admittedly one by the flukiest bomb drop by a Fairy Battle. Nice proper suppression then assault by Iain on the farmhouse. On the scenario, the Germans probably have 6in too far to go. Thanks again to Des and Iain.
Iain Fuller comments:
1940 action with Jerries taking on the Jocks of Arkforce. Great fun game with Panzer I & II's taking on Vickers Mk.VI's and 2pdr and 25mm AT guns. A couple of Fairey Battles even turned up too!
We used our 'I Aint Been CoC'd Yet Mum' adaptation again and it is playing better each time we do. Big thanks to Des for the game and Phil for being a gentleman opponent.
Desmondo Darkin