BEF holding action vs advancing Germans - see photos for captions - we had a lot of fun and it was a near run thing 🙂 .
I love the way the Blinds and other mechanisms work to simulate ambushes
Alistair Birch
BEF holding action vs advancing Germans - see photos for captions - we had a lot of fun and it was a near run thing 🙂 .
I love the way the Blinds and other mechanisms work to simulate ambushes
German axis of attack. The Brits had to withdraw along the road top left after two hours of play, whilst the Germans were trying to force their way through on the same route.
A lone 2pdr is spotted at distance by the German armoured column but the Brits are determined to sell their lives dear.
Despite knocking out one tank, the second AFV has its gun damaged but tries to overrun the 2pdr, but is halted by the AT crew just feet from the gun. A last minute reprieve but it blocks the gun's view.
Meanwhile, movement on the first Blind on the German left flank turns out to be a wandering horse (sheep also made an appearance on the other flank!). However, the second Blind reveals a German infantry platoon and HMG.
The view from the German left flank. The advancing Germans think they only have the HMG top right to deal with, but are unaware another 2pdr waits in the walled field (top left) and two sections in the farm (top left, not shown) and are about to nail the German advance!
Each German squad advances on the left flank but the forward squad is ambushed by a British section in the farm and the second squad is held up by and a Vickers firing from the corner (top). Any moment, that German squad, top, is about to be ambushed in the flank by another hidden 2 pdr!
The view towards the Vickers and the AT gun vs Panzer I engagement.
Meanwhile, a flanking action by a German platoon on the right is stopped in its tracks by plucky British infantry.
The extent of German lines at end of play - and a British victory.
Alistair Birch