Battle of Stonne game played at Bristol Independant Gamers on 30th October 2021.
On 13–14 May 1940, German tanks crossed the Meuse river under the command of General Heinz Guderian. The village of Stonne and the woody hills of Mont-Dieu were the single area where it was possible to try to stop this German advance. German forces moved various elements to this area to secure Stonne.
The 1st company of the Grossdeutchland Infantry Regiment, supported by tanks of the First Light company of the 7th Panzer Regiment were among the first to reach Stonne and were involved in the heavy fighting to control the small, but strategically important village.
Among others, the Germans faced troops of the 10th company of the 51st Infantry Regiment, supported by reconnaissance armoured cars, tanks of the 1st company of the 45th Tank Battalion and 3rd company of the 49th Tank Battalion (Char B1bis tanks)
The village changed hands 17 times over the course of three days of fighting between 15 May and 17 May 1940.
This game ended with French forces outflanking the Germans, but without the strength to evict them from the village.
Phil Turner, Jenny Owens
Joe McGinn took a few photos as well: