Vis Lardica

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A couple of months back Phil and Jenny invited Andy and myself down to try out an I Ain't Been Shot Mum (IABSM) scenario Phil had devised to run at the Operation Market Larden Lardy Day.

Coincidently it pretty much followed on historically from the Big Chain of Command game Andy had come up with, with elements of 2. SS Panzer-Division Das Reich and 9. SS Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen attempting to recapture the town of Rauray in Normandy from the 1st Battalion Tyneside Scottish.

Though they had put up a brave fight, the men of the 1st Battalion Tyneside Scottish had been defeated.

Well that was an intense game, I seriously doubted the ability of the Germans to make much progress in the face of the dogged British resistance, but the arrival of the heavier German tanks certainly helped turn the battle their way.

Once again Phil and Jenny put on a great game for Andy and myself, so big thanks to them. I understand it went down well at Operation Market Larden as well .

[Ed’s Note: it did: Noddy and I played in the afternoon game as the Brits…and won!]
