The boy and I had a bit of refresh game tonight. As much as the club is enjoyable, it can be quite noisy and you can often be bothered by others which makes learning the rules hard.

Anyhow, tonight it was Barbarossa. The Germans consisted of 3 panzer grenadiers platoons, a pair of 75mm infanttry guns and 4 panzer IIIs H.

The Russians had two platoons, two 45mm ATG and 4 T26s. The Russian tanks could only show up when our event card was drawn 3 times.

Both sides had access to medium mortars but these played to part in the game.

The Germans advance boldly and their reconnaissance team quickly revealed one of the Russians platoons on their left flank whilst their right flank advanced cautiously through a field.

The boy deployed his Infantry guns and started pounded the revealed platoon but some return fire kept them quiet, at least for a term.

Meanwhile the German right flank was spotted by the Russian HQ teams whoes HMGs opened up, causing a great deal of shock little casualties. This was the sum of the right flank for most the game.

On the left flank, then Germans kept surprising the Russian platoon by the woods which allowed a well timed assault from their 2nd platoon, which was successful.

The Russian atgs had appeared and tried lobbing shells at the Inf Guns to very little effect.

At this point the T26s rumbled on very little. The both panzers IIIs pounced, setting one T26 ablaze whilst kicking the others about.

The Germans had control of the board and the Russians decided to bug out; their commissar was dead so there little the political party could do.

Chris Lane