Lardy Day at the South London Warlords yesterday. IABSM game put on by Ian Spence, involved a US mixed force of tanks, reece and infantry pushing German defenders out of a village and driving off table.

A bloody affair which ended up with most German units eliminated, except the crucial platoon that held the village itself. We used the Oh What a Total Bummer dice driven variant of the rules, the first time that Lardy Rich had seen them being used.

Nice little game that had my US forces not doing what I wanted to do as often as I wished. As with all TFL rules, friction reared its’ ugly head and managed to stifle my infantry attack, but I was able to get my armour and reece to do the damage.

Hopefully we will do another Lardy Day next year and we get more people along to play games.

Desmondo Darkin