A 6mm IABSM game played at GigaBites Café Jan 2020.
The game was really designed to fit in with the Viking month at GigaBites Café and to be played in under 3 hours max. The idea was taken from actions involving the SS Wiking division during their drive to relieve Budapest during Konrad II.
On January 20, 1945, 5th Company, SS Panzer Regiment 5 had just occupied a slope ridge covered with corn when they were attacked from the north by the 110th Tank Brigade…

Tukrosmajor Farm
The table was dominated by a ridge in the center of the table with a farmstead. Most of the area is covered by old corn fields. The sky is overcast and roads are iced over. Snow covering is not deep.

First T-34s Advance South
Jess and I were the Soviets. I had a company of six T34/76s and a platoon of tank riding SMG-armed troops. Jess had a seven-tank company of T34/85s and an SMG platoon.
I had the left side and Jess the right. We had a couple of ISU-122s that were trailing behind and a phone link to a battery of medium mortars. Our units came in staggered. We rolled for each Blind with them initially appearing on a '1'…but all were to be on by the fourth appearance of the Russian Blinds card.

German Pioneers Deploy
William was the German player. He had six Panthers with two being +1 Tank Aces. They could start on the hill hidden. The infantry support was a couple of truck mounted 2-section platoons of Pioneers and two MMG teams. These were not combat engineers but were with the Panzers to help with roads.

The left hand T-34s continue moving
As luck would have it, a random event left my Company CO tank immobilized early. Visibility was made more difficult because of the corn.

Hull down Panzer Vs
William opened up with his right hand group.

One exploding T-34
The first T-34/76 to get hit blew up on the first shot. The middle one was able to survive.

View from the German right

More hits on my T-34s
It wasn't long before the other two T-34s were also smoking. I did no damage to the Panthers. Blinds are behind. One is the tank riders. Another is my immobile CO tank and the third is a dummy.

And Panthers on the left
The T-34/85s of Jess were a bit harder to crack. Unfortunately, he was getting some slow movement rolls. The ISU-122s were also the last to arrive.

Another view of the hull down Panzer Vs
These are GHQ models with added side skirts.

Infantry firing
William had one MMG in the barn which was taking all the hits, mainly from the T-34/85s. Another MMG was in the center in the corn.

Fourth T-34 explodes
The tank riders had already dropped off.

Barn burning
William sent his Company CO in there to get what was left of the MMG team to evacuate.

Our right flank getting close in
Two of these T-34/85s are out now too. We were hoping our speed would get us around the Panthers' sides.

Pioneers pulling back
Because of the time limit (the shop was to close at 8) and the historical withdrawal of the Wikings, I had told William that the Pioneers had to head to their trucks and start withdrawing at the fourth draw of the Turn Card.

Tank riders push ahead
My immobile CO tank gives some fire support. It’s the only operational T-34/76 left at this point.

Almost at the top
Each platoon had two Panzerfausts that could certainly take out a Panther.

And the Panthers back down also
With the infantry pulling back, William wasn't going to lose a Panzer V to a sneaky SMG unit. He did not know how many ‘fausts we might have, but we were acting like we had plenty.

ISU-122s finally coming up
But with the Panthers going back down the slope they had no armor targets.

Best to pull back and fight another day
William had already KO'ed seven T-34s. Russian mortars were also getting into play now.

Panthers on the left pulling back also
The trucks carrying the Pioneers are slowly going down the icy roads.

End positions
Our final tally was five KO'ed T-34/76s and two immobile. One destroyed T-34/85 and one with a damaged gun tube. Only three infantry casualties in each Russian tank rider platoon. The only German casualties were the four in the MMG team in the barn.
This was definitely one of the quicker IABSM games I've run. Less than three hours to set up, play and pick up.
Mark Luther