This was another one of R.U.P.'s lushly pretty B'Maso games that involved a multi-layered scenario with multiple twists in the plot. I led the FFL force in an attempt to free hostages from the brewery office (the yellow building with a parking lot in the upper right of the picture below). Of course things turned pout differently.
What we saw upon arrival, just one Blind at the sentry post, and a couple more further into the compound.
The FFL tried to approach using cover: our mission was to free hostages, not reduce the enemy troops.
We spotted the sentries after several tries.
But we were spotted in return... a LOT of revolutionaries!
Despite a pounding the sentries stand to their post.
The FFL ignored the return fire.
On the other flank, two FFL Blinds advanced against one revolutionary Blind.
Which turned out to be a number of pigs!
The sentries still refused to flee, even after more hits.
The crew in the office were also taking a hard pounding.
But were dishing out some hits in return.
From the FFL position, things were not going well: too much open ground and too many enemies to close with the office.
Then, worst of all, the FFL took a wound. The outrage!!!!
An ex-Soviet AA HMG had opened fire from beside the brewery.
The hits on the crew in the office finally generated some casualties.
But not enough to allow the FFL to close and free the hostages.
The brave pigs revealed both of the Blinds on the left flank to be Dummy Blinds!
The FFL continued to engage the enemy from the hilltop, but made little progress.
While the frightened pigs broke down the fence to flee the noise.
The sentries finally retired to cover.
Suddenly a convoy of trucks burst from the brewery.
At the same time the crew from the office began to move toward the gate as well, taking fire along the way.
The sentries continued to accumulate hits.
The convoy raced toward the gate.
Fire from the FFL lashed the lead vehicle in an effort to block the gate.
But the truck rumbled on.
It finally crashed into a barrier, but it was past the gate and the other trucks got away.
The upshot of the game was that the FFL was there to rescue hostages that didn't exist. The revolutionaries were there to steal the beer from the brewery and had detained the workers solely to prevent them telling the authorities what was going on. It was a fun game and presented a series of command decision to both leaders who were working to different objectives and unaware of what their opponent was up to.
Anton Ryzbak